Recent content by Birdinbush

  1. B

    What deficiency/problem is this?

    I think it's naturally staining. I've had root rot on the plant beside this one and can noticeably see a difference. Ph has fluctuated in the past week or so when I was out of town, but is stable now at 6.1. I don't know the ec/pmm.
  2. B

    What deficiency/problem is this?

    Feeding has been normal. Flora trio, Cal Mag, Rhizo Blast, and Hydroguard. Roots are great, so no root rot problems. Is this a disease or what?
  3. B

    What's going on?

    Thanks for the advice, much appreciated!
  4. B

    What's going on?

    Okay I was scared of the over watering so I put all four back in the first tote, I'll have to get another air pump to run both. The other day the new growth was light green so I took that as they wanted more food, only at 1/4 of the recommended dosage for seedlings.
  5. B

    What's going on?

    Even with the wilting? First two true leaves are dying.
  6. B

    What's going on?

    They have been wilting the past few days, I stepped up my air into the reservoir and I know it's not over watering. What can I do to perk them up?
  7. B

    Need a little knowledge

    Lmao seedling stage is one of the most important stages. If you can't get through it, then you can't grow bud. Anyone have any ideas?
  8. B

    Need a little knowledge

    I have 4 seedlings all that have started curling their leaves. They are only at 1/4 of the recommended dose of GH nutrients. Ph had been around 6-6.5 the part few days. Anyone got an answer?