Recent content by BlackJesus

  1. BlackJesus

    The Clintons Body Count

  2. BlackJesus

    The Clintons Body Count

    I know, i just included it in this instance because they had obtained a pdf of some court documents that were worth looking over
  3. BlackJesus

    Donald Trump's Black Outreach (Lol)

    But they arent racist.... They go to black church after all.
  4. BlackJesus

    Donald Trump's Black Outreach (Lol)

    Lets go to a Latino - Asian - Middle Eastern church. Hillary and Trump wouldnt want everyone thinking they arent down with ALL the colors of the rainbow. Forego just being a decent person, just make a few appearances at a colored church...
  5. BlackJesus

    Donald Trump's Black Outreach (Lol)

    Trump pulls this bish and hillary keeps her token black church in her pocket she loves to frequent. Gotta show your still hip despite being white and corrupt
  6. BlackJesus

    Vote Johnson

  7. BlackJesus

    The Clintons Body Count

    Mary 'Caity' Mahoney White House Intern Died: July 6, 1997 An attractive 25-year-old woman, Mary was a former White House Intern for Bill Clinton working as the Assistant Manager at a Starbuck's Coffee shop in Georgetown. In the pre-trial publicity surrounding Paula Jones lawsuit Mike Isikoff...
  8. BlackJesus

    The Clintons Body Count

    I post source when available and make it clear when it isnt. If i find source i update. If others want to contribute source they can.
  9. BlackJesus

    The Clintons Body Count

    No im just busy and couldnt source hillarys involvement with china gate but it might come later. I played devils advocate and posted a link where his testifying against hillary in court was "debunked". This does not exclude her from financial crimes involving china gate
  10. BlackJesus

    The Clintons Body Count

    Ron Brown Former Chairman, DNC; Commerce Secretary Died: May 3, 1996 Ron Brown died along with 39 other people when the T-43 (a converted 737 used by the Air Force) carrying the group on a trip to Bosnia crashed while approaching the Dubrovnik airport. On the verge of being indicted and having...
  11. BlackJesus

    The Clintons Body Count

    Gandy Baugh Attorney representing Mr. Lassater in a case concerning alleged financial misconduct. Died: January 8, 1994 Died in an alleged suicide by jumping out of a window of a multi-story building. - Mr. Lassater was a close associate of Gov. Clinton, and was later indicted on drug related...
  12. BlackJesus

    The Clintons Body Count

    John Ashe Former United Nations General Assembly President Died: June 22, 2016 Initially reported as having died from a heart attack, John's throat had obviously been crushed. At that point the official story changed to him accidentally dropping a barbell on his own throat crushing his larynx...
  13. BlackJesus

    The Clintons Body Count

    Don Adams Died January 7, 1997 Long before Whitewater's land flips made the Clinton's circle of friends rich, many of the same players had been involved in a similar land swindle in Branson. Don Adams was a lawyer in Arkansas who got involved trying to help the people who were being swindled...
  14. BlackJesus

    The Clintons Body Count

    A thread documenting deaths with source related to the Clintons. If you want to add source post it and i will edit.