Recent content by Blazed Hippie

  1. Blazed Hippie

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    does anyone have any idea which strain has a continuous amount of 8-9 "fingered" leaves? I found many afghanicas online that had this but im wondering if anyone has a known strain that has 8-9 leaves on all of the stems.
  2. Blazed Hippie

    shisha in compost pile????

    I could not see that being an issue in a compost pile, shisha is made of tobbacco and sugar products just make sure the stuff they use to flavor it isn't oil based. If tis mollasses (the old school shisha) then your fine. Even then its prolly burnt off anyway from smoking it lol.
  3. Blazed Hippie

    are shrooms from compost soil edible ?

    come on man your smarter than that....dont just eat random crap that grows in ur backyard. LOL If yo u wanna grow shrooms get a kit. Make sure its legit. Most mushrooms are poisonous and will kill you.
  4. Blazed Hippie

    Slight skunky smell in veg?

    lol my whole house smells like it, our allergies are way worse too. I hope im not allergic to growing bud lol.
  5. Blazed Hippie

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    my plants have a mixture of both 3 and 5 pointed leaves. It seems the smaller 2 points just didnt grow well on the 3 pointed ones.
  6. Blazed Hippie

    Running out of room. Need advice.

    man I love a good debate, even if we are arguing about the same thing. It is nice to come home after a hard day and bitch at someone :) No worries I just try to give people ALL the info i know of. Even if it seems irrelevant.
  7. Blazed Hippie

    Running out of room. Need advice.

    you didnt read everything i said, i never said 36 hours DOES ANYTHING OTHER THAN HELP BEGIN FLOWERING THE PLANT. I dont want to retype my blog out but, it all in evolution. If the plant gets starved of light it thinks its going to die so it preflowers in a last ditch attempt to propagate the...
  8. Blazed Hippie

    Running out of room. Need advice.

    Try it, take pics. I have done it and I do not wish to take pics in my house for obvious reasons. I guarantee you it will have similar or the same results I did. However, I could have had a strain that flowers easier as it was a long leaved sativa. If you haven't ever actually done this, you...
  9. Blazed Hippie

    Running out of room. Need advice.

    I have seen results with my own eyes, nothing you say will change my opinion on this.
  10. Blazed Hippie

    Running out of room. Need advice.

    Im sorry i dont listen to people that pretend to know about plant biology and are consistently wrong. This is the second time you have been wrong about something that is just basic plant biology. If you know anything at all about evolution, this makes sense. It DID happen to me as I only...
  11. Blazed Hippie

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    it doesn't kill persay, but it does fuck up growth to a point that you just shouldnt use it.
  12. Blazed Hippie

    Running out of room. Need advice.

    Ive done it. It works. Period. Want pics? I wasnt offended last time. You didn't have proof and I did last time. If you want more proof than my word I will research and blog it later. I am not saying there is any more benifit than knowing sex early. I do not know if it does anything else...
  13. Blazed Hippie

    Running out of room. Need advice.

    36 hour dark period is good if the plant hasn't preflowered yet. It causes it to show sex immediatly, so u can sort them out quick.
  14. Blazed Hippie

    Using Woodash to Bring Up PH

    Would it be wise to take ash out of my wood burning stove to use to bring the ph of my garden up? Are there types of burnt wood that are bad?
  15. Blazed Hippie

    leaf problems, ive done my home work but to no avail +rep to anyone who can help

    i am having the same issue, i did research. I think mine is doing it because of heat and OVER fertilization/watering. I have no real clue but I am gonna take it easy on my next watering and see what the new growth looks like. My heat keeps getting to the 90 range and im also thinking this has...