Recent content by boodist

  1. B

    2 Pounds Per Light

    I have a 1000 watt setup with no co2 and a 600 watt setup with c02. The 600 watt setup produces more because of the ventilation - same strain. I agree with having super healthy root structure so the plants can uptake the nutes, this is a constant and the plants will let you know what they like...
  2. B

    Experiment. No veg, clones from flowering.

    I too am interested as one of my mother's decided to start flowering and thought i could take a bunch of clones from her.
  3. B

    Weird Looking Nugs

    Hi, got some BlueCheese seeds - cloned 6 month old mother, all looked good - no issues with anything but check out the buds. I have never had buds do this - is this normal for BlueCheese? And the last blue cheese i grew was from clone, it was very pungent, dense buds and grew more like a sativa...
  4. B

    I was reading one of your posts regarding aeroponics and grow cycles by other members. I...

    I was reading one of your posts regarding aeroponics and grow cycles by other members. I couldn't or don't know how to look what you said up. You were giving someone advice on two week cycle threads - can't remember the members name, and then plans on aeroponics and hydro systems. do you have...
  5. B

    Lumatek ballasts and high frequency interference

    I was talking to a supply house today and the dude was telling me that Lumatek ballasts emit some sort of high frequency that jams police radios and allows them to track where the frequency is coming from. Anybody hear about this claim before? He was promoting another type of ballast and I...
  6. B

    Hermies - what to do?

    Okay, I have one hermie in the same room with all females. Not all buds have seeds, but I would love to keep it IF it won't hurt the rest of my females. Any advice????
  7. B


    I sexed my plants, grown from seed - picked the best of the females for mothers, put them into the veg room with proper lighting and while in veg room they have started forming buds... I still want to keep a couple as mothers, will they revert or can I clone both and get a mother from that?