Recent content by bouche753

  1. bouche753

    2nd grow

    well thank u for all the comments and support :-) iv checked and the 1 still on the go is pulling through and the 1 Hung upside down seems 2 have gone soft again and only the very top of the mail cola is a tad crisp :-)
  2. bouche753

    2nd grow

    she was chopped last night
  3. bouche753

    2nd grow

    wot should I b lookin 4 the main cola has gone crispy 2 touch
  4. bouche753

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hi people can u take a look at my grow iv over watered in week 10 so I'm now considering an emergency chop, advice needed :-(
  5. bouche753

    2nd grow

    not good still crispy should I pull her?
  6. bouche753

    2nd grow

    well iv got 20 mins till lights on I hope she's lookin better should I b thinkin about an emergency chop ?
  7. bouche753

    2nd grow

    I hope so thanks 4 the quick reply
  8. bouche753

    2nd grow

    HELP!!!!! I'm in week 10 and I flushed the other day and now 1 of my babies has flopped and gone crispy at the top my other looks like its goin the same way. wot should I do ?
  9. bouche753

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Think ill give it another week then :-) Will there be much more growth over the next 3 weeks? +rep
  10. bouche753

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hi peeps How long do.u think iv got left? They have just finnished week 8 of bloom and I need 2 no when 2 start my 2week flush. Some of the hairs have turned amber, so have a few of the triches and iv lost a few fan leaves.
  11. bouche753

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Its the same where I am :-( Iv used pick n mix a few times with no probs
  12. bouche753

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Shit is there a new series I haven't even seen the last 1
  13. bouche753

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Tar guys I'm using a 125w cfl and the timer says 120w
  14. bouche753

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hi people have any of u ever had poblems with timers, im using the cheap 1s from b&q and iv been through about 8!
  15. bouche753

    2nd grow

    God I'm so sick of timers!! Iv just been 2 my cab 2 find the main 125w bulb is still on, that's timer number 8 that's fucked! I don't understand they say 120w on the timers and I didn't have any probs last year. Iv opened 1 up 2 find part of the switch broken should I try a digital 1 ?