Recent content by BOXERBUDZ


    SOG 1st Time Flower-DJ Short Strain-Blueberry --Pics!!

    I went ahead and cleaned out my room today. I also angled the trey better so the water would flow into and out the drain better and not leaver any build up to create mold which means more humidity which means BAD!!! I have gotten it down to about 54 now and it is cold around here so the temp is...

    64 Humidty During Flowering....Will they be ok?

    My humidity has reached about 64 about 21 days into flowering. You think I will be able to avoid mold. This is real weird because I used to keep my filter on about 15 min an hour and it stayed at about 30, but now I keep it on all day and it us up to 64,,

    SOG 1st Time Flower-DJ Short Strain-Blueberry --Pics!!

    Humidty has jumped to about 64, getting a little worried about that.

    SOG 1st Time Flower-DJ Short Strain-Blueberry --Pics!!

    I am on DAY 19 OF FLOWER. I notice the buds starting to come out and you are able to start seing nugs forming. The ones that have been vegged for two weeks on the left side seem like they are getting some fat buds. The ones theat are on the right, that were straight from rooted clone...


    I am doing it with my grow right now, when you see bubbles forming after you shake it you know its working. Here is a good link for you

    SOG 1st Time Flower-DJ Short Strain-Blueberry --Pics!!

    So it has been two weeks since I started flowering the rooted clones, I would have to say that they are looking great. So what I decided to do was go ahead and do a little trimming. As you can see in the pictures I went ahead and cut the lowest set of branches. These leaves were the original...

    ripz extreme s.o.g from mother to bud 420

    This looks real good man, I have a smaller SOG goign right now, would love for you to give your thoughts on it, i am about 12 days into flowering right now. Looks real beautiful though, I want to do something like this...

    New Grow Tent JUST RELEASED

    I saw this blog last night right after I purchased the Secret Jardin DR120. I think this is going to be a good tent for me, hopefully. It was more money than the homebox and any other brand but it got such great reviews from a lot of people. I hope it will do well considering what I just read above.

    Mothers Under Flourecents- Can you do it?

    I havent actually botten the T-5 yet, any suggestions on what to get, i am planning on keeping mothers for about a month or two and then re starting new ones, is there any truth that when you keep taking cuttings the plants loose potency?

    Mothers Under Flourecents- Can you do it?

    I wanted to know if you guys think I can grow mother plants under a set of T-5 flourecents on 18/6, or if I should run 24 hours, or if it will even work at all? Suggestions would be great.

    SOG 1st Time Flower-DJ Short Strain-Blueberry --Pics!!

    So I decided for the last month I am going to move my sytem over to a Secret Jardin Dark Room 120 hut. I am moving around March 1st and want to put this hut up at my new place. I did my research on the huts and this one seemes like the best one. It is a little pricy but it should be a great hut...

    SOG 1st Time Flower-DJ Short Strain-Blueberry --Pics!!

    I was able to get some advice from some of my fellow growers. It seems like I need to stick my rooted clones closer to the lights. So I got 2 boxes and was able to make the 6 clones be on the same level as the rest of the canopy. Now i am about 18 inches away from both the rooted clones and the...

    SOG 1st Time Flower-DJ Short Strain-Blueberry --Pics!!

    The post by Pazzo made me think about the height issue I am going to have to face. So for the first time I busted out my measuring tape. The Tallest Plant: About 13 inches (1 inch more than a foot) , the light is about 14 inches away from the top of the plant. The Smalles Plant: About 3...

    SOG 1st Time Flower-DJ Short Strain-Blueberry --Pics!!

    Just got my timer back that I lent to a homie. Now I want to see if I can control the humidity, It is getting as low as 26 with the ozone sock on at all times, and I want to try to keep it at 40, so I put the timer in and have scheduled the ozone sock to go on every 30 min. So on 15 off 30. Lets...