Recent content by bruce78

  1. B

    Screwed by Attitude Seeds?

    For the record, Attitude took care of the situation awhile back and am satisfied. They ended up giving my partial credit towards the next purchase, which I then order white russian from serious seeds and red dragon from barney's farm. Once again, for the record, Attitude did take care of the...
  2. B

    Thanks riu

    Your buds look early....could of use a few more weeks... please update me on the quality of the smoke...
  3. B

    Cloning and Flowering?

    That could work...why not just make yourself a cloner?
  4. B

    Can I still save her is there no point?

    flush them real good.. and water without nutes for a few feedings... then slowly add the nutes.. 1/4 strength, 1/2 strength, then full..
  5. B

    How to hide a Marijuana plant in you're backyard?.

    Macgyver says your plants will drown in the first rainfall...
  6. B

    Drying in a hurry! please help!

    defrost on and off 5 sec intervals for bout 3--40 secs... and wiping excess moisture each time. Tastes like crap but smokable..
  7. B

    too much for jars,what can i use for curing

    All this talk is great but I ain't even gonna last halfway thru the curing process with my 1oz yield (dried 84grams for 4 days). Got more coming anyways and didn't feel like paying the outrageous prices out there... if you must smoke right away, defrost a bud in the microwave in 5sec on/off...
  8. B

    CFL light fixtures

    probably a 5000k bulb if it is near white..
  9. B

    Turn to CNN

    Montell's the man...was just watching it. Now back to my brackets.
  10. B

    Obama addresses the LEGALIZE question today!!

    I think it is kind of good news that he wasn't stronger on that subject. Right now, his task is to right the economy. MJ would help, but there are a lot of more viable solutions b4 resorting to MJ. One he gains credibility, I would not be surprised if he changes his stance. I would not be...
  11. B

    Newbie help, have a yellow clone

    It means the roots are's a good thing...
  12. B

    You Pick, I grow

    Wow..Aurora B does look really great.
  13. B

    Do Black seeds grow as good as the green ones?

    Why does everything have to be a black and white issue?..:-?
  14. B

    Lowryders not flowering after 32 days!

    On the very first pic of your very first post, that plant on the left looks like it has sacs on it, which means it is male... just as a point of reference, I've grown my lowryders on 12/12 from seed and 2 of them have not flowered yet either... however, I saw a couple of preflowers today so they...