Recent content by BuddyColas

  1. BuddyColas

    World Of Hempy

    So when and how often do you DEFO?
  2. BuddyColas

    Samsung H series strips, Arrow seems to be blowing them out! what a deal!

    Killer deal on the 4Ks. So how do you find out about deals like this on Arrow?
  3. BuddyColas

    Strip Heatsinks For Everyone!!

    What size of u-channel do you get for 7$ a stick?
  4. BuddyColas

    Bridgelux eb strips Gen 3

    If your mother says don't chew it, do you swallow it in spite?
  5. BuddyColas

    Bridgelux eb strips Gen 3

    Please post a link to the "...5000 lumen strip for around 50c-$1 more..." Thanks.
  6. BuddyColas

    New to rockwool

    Yes. And DTW is the easiest manage your PH. My favorite way to grow is with hempy buckets and measure the runoff. The RO will tell you how to tweak the feed.
  7. BuddyColas

    New to rockwool

    My 2 cents worth. A 6x6x6 block can easy weight over 6 pounds soaked. You want to let them dry back to 2 or 3 pounds so your roots have to go to work. If you want to re-water the blocks, you can take a lot of water out of the block by sitting it on top of another block. The moisture gradient...
  8. BuddyColas

    Pictures of your DIY lights - Post your pics!!!

    Very clean design and build. Well done, and thanks for sharing!
  9. BuddyColas

    Pictures of your DIY lights - Post your pics!!!

    So are the black clips and end hangers a kit? All custom? And how thick are the bars/heatsinks the strips are on?
  10. BuddyColas

    Has anyone done a DIY light with Samsungs new SL-B8R5C9H2WW horticulture lights

    Most here like to endlessly adjust, tune, tweak spectrum, etc....but it's hard to argue with simple logic like that!
  11. BuddyColas

    low profile hempy bucket

    I think you will have to water multiple times a day for a plant of any size. With one plant in a 2x4 foot tent, 3 liters a day, or more, is not unusual.
  12. BuddyColas

    Bridgelux eb strips Gen 3

    What a tease! So what were the prices of the new strips?:mrgreen:
  13. BuddyColas

    World Of Hempy

    Just a you think the weekly flush brings the average EC down a bit? But it the end, the plant always has the last say. And if your in/out are close and your tips aren't burned, then you have a happy plant that can take 1.8!
  14. BuddyColas

    World Of Hempy

    Great tips. Thanks for sharing.:clap:
  15. BuddyColas

    World Of Hempy

    I have bought and DIYd several Waterfarms. They are beautiful in their simplicity and function. And a great "tweak" turning them into a DTW! Two more questions...what do you use for a res. pump timer? And what have you seen/smelt/tasted using the BioAg CytoPlus? Thanks.