Recent content by bustabud

  1. bustabud

    Super Silver too tall .. need suggestions

    I tied some main branches last night but my goal is to get a decent head nugget on these silvers... so if anyone knows if i can top it at this point or if i should just let it go and hope my head bud is decent... I got the Super Silver Haze from Baba coffee shop in Amsterdam... Greenhouse...
  2. bustabud

    Super Silver too tall .. need suggestions

    So i have two super silver and two cheese plants under a 400w hps and however the SS is too tall for the closet and I am forced to bend it. It seems to not be budding that well on the top since it is getting weird light. Is there any way i could top the top third of the plant (its 6 weeks...
  3. bustabud

    Is this a MALE???

    That was the only hollands hope i had.. but i have some female cheese and super silver haze from greenhouse seeds.... I really wanna try cross this hollands hope with a cheese plant since the cheese has a crazy stank to it so if anyone knows how to pollinate so you only get a couple...
  4. bustabud

    Is this a MALE???

    Yea i figured as much... i was pretty positive when i saw it on the stem, but i though you couldn't be positive until like a week into flowering... thanks fried
  5. bustabud

    Is this a MALE???

    This is a 60 day old Hollands Hope..... Just put it into 12/12 3 days ago... saw these "balls" two weeks before i even started the 12/12... i took it out and isolated it, any input? If it is a male how long till the sacs usually open and is there anyway to safely pollinate like one bud so...