Recent content by butterfeet

  1. B

    The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

    Hey I have a question about wiring a driver as 240v vs 120v. I'm using sunboards (96 lm561 diodes, 44-48 watts per strip) hooked up to a chargery s1200 driver. In the manual for the driver it seems like it would be 3-4% more efficient run as 240v. Any 240v timers have a weird ass plug. I...
  2. B

    Connoisseur Genetics

    Hey, was hoping OJD or someone else might be able to help me out with something I've been wondering about. About 5 or 6 years I was gifted a cutting known only by the name "silver". I'm pretty sure it was actually SSSDH based on some of the pics and descriptions I've seen and also it makes...
  3. B

    The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

    OK, that makes sense to me. I'm still trying to wrap my head around how these boards are wired and how to calculate something like that. Would a single 96 LED board be 12 groups of 8 diodes wired in series running at 116.6mA / 83mA , then all 12 wired together in parallel for a total of 1400mA...
  4. B

    The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

    Am I correct in thinking that driving the LEDs at 1400mA will be close to ~75% of total suggested amperage? It seems like that is pretty standard. Is there any disadvantage to driving more diodes at a lesser amperage?
  5. B

    The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

    Hey, I'm new to LEDs and was looking at buying some Shenzhen Mufue 96ct LED sunboards from alibaba with the lm561c diodes. I was wondering if someone can check my math as far as figuring out the correct driver. The specs are: 22-24v 700-900mA per row (48 diodes per row, 2 rows per board)...