Recent content by CaliKush.

  1. C

    San Diego Dispensary

    Hery guys :) So I got my medical card about a month ago and have jumped around with dispensaries. However, I have yet to really find one I truly like. There is one in particular I have gone back to, but they aren't anything amazing. Any reccomendations for places in th San Diego area?
  2. C

    your experience with Salvia?

    I actually enjoyed Salvia quite a bit. I started with 15X and it was quite interesting. I ended up inside of a pop-up book. It was beyond bizzare. Just make sure your in a good mood, not stressed, and got some chill friends to watch you.
  3. C

    Medical Card Question

    Thanks for all of the replies guys :) I plan on getting my card now :)
  4. C

    When do you expect complete legalization in California?

    At this point in time I believe the older generations were brought up to look at Marijuana as a DRUG. Nothing beneficial but purely and illegal horrible substance. No turn to my age group (18+) and things are way different. After starting to smoke 4 months ago I learned of SOOO many people that...
  5. C

    Medical Card Question

    I agree entirely. I spoke with the doctor recently and brought up being taken off of it slowly and they agreed to set up an appointment with my medicine doctor. I'm not a big fan of pills and stuff like that. The whole concept freaks me out. Especially when the side effects outweigh the actual...
  6. C

    Medical Card Question

    Sweet thanks a lot dude. I plan on heading on in then very soon! :) Wow thank you. Yea I really can't stand Zoloft and have only been taking it to humor the doctor. If anything I feel as if I have gotten worse. Started smoking 4 months ago HOLY COW! Seriously like night and day. I feel better...
  7. C

    Medical Card Question

    Hey guys so I am 18 and living in San Diego CA. I suffer from insomnia, anxiety, and depression and am currently taking Zoloft to treat 2 of the 3. I HATE taking it especially because I get most of the side effects ie. increased depression, vivid nightmares/dreams, and loss of sleep/insomnia. It...
  8. C

    Hey Guys from SD!!

    Haha for real man im getting kinda lost with all the lingo and what not but ill get there. Everyone seems very informative too. Just read a tutorial on how to make cannabutter and it doesnt seem very hard ;)
  9. C

    Hey Guys from SD!!

    What's up guys :) I have been reading these forums for a bit and HOLY COW!! haha everyone seems so sick and chill I cant wait to start talking with you all... Well i started smoking probably 5 months ago and im 18.. Live in SD California and my favorite weed thus far would definatley be Headband...