Recent content by CalmedDown

  1. C

    315w cmh spacing

    Two would be easy if I could hit 3 per I’d be happy with that if not I already have some cmh tho and I’ve seen a lot of guys run cmh as supplemental to the de 1000 with good results so maybe two of each would be good that would be 2630 watts do you think an 18k btu mini would get it cooled? I...
  2. C

    315w cmh spacing

    How hot are they I saw u said 8 foot ceilings do you air cool them I already have two of the ac/de hoods where the air doesn’t actually touch the bulb that is what I was running my de 630 in
  3. C

    315w cmh spacing

    I have thought about 2 or 3 DE 1000 but not sure how would space them in 7x11x11. What’s your avg per fixture? I see people say they get 2 or more per de but is that dialed in pro’s or the common person?
  4. C

    315w cmh spacing

    How many btu would you think it takes to cool 8x315 in 7x11x11?
  5. C

    315w cmh spacing

    That’s great, after thinking about it your only trying to light 3 more sq ft than I am it just a different shape so I hope the 8 work out for ya. The real question is what are you using for cooling in that area? I wanna run 8 in my area but don’t have the mini split in yet and not looking good...
  6. C

    315w cmh spacing

    Yeah staggering would prob work I was hoping to do 8 in a 7x11 room cooling it is what I’m worried about I can’t get a solid figure for cooling 8 of them with a mini split. I could start with 6 and see, if you see people say they are getting that kinda coverage but that’s as low as I’ll go...
  7. C

    315w cmh spacing

    Okay first I will say that I don’t think 8 315s match up to 5 1ks as far as yield goes (I guess depends on your yield from hps) and I also don’t think think they cover a 4 foot width either(unless part of your room is walkway). You room is just ackward shape/size for 315s to cover it all...
  8. C

    Club 315w lec

    I am installing a sub panel just for the room and mini split so The electric is no problem. Have had to learn many trades over the years fo this hobby, electric is a new one to me but I feel confident I can do it.
  9. C

    Club 315w lec

    Thanks man, yeah most the of minis I have been looking at were either 12k or 18k. So I guess I’ll just save a lil more money and go for 18k one with inverted compressor so even if is oversized it will work well. I have never run a sealed room before but don’t want to air cool the bulbs and...
  10. C

    Club 315w lec

    Wall fans, dehuey, maybe a C02 burner(need to research as have seen people have trouble with some fumes or something). I was just hoping someone had a figure like they do per De hps figure. For instance I hear that if you figure 6k btu per 1k that leaves enough extra room to cool C02 burner and...
  11. C

    Club 315w lec

    Sorry if it’s been answered guys I have read a lot of pages but needed an answer and didn’t have time for all pages. But I needed to know how many BTU per 315. And not the simple answer of 3.41 per watt because that would mean that it would be under 4K btu per 1k but most people figure them at...