Recent content by Camnibus

  1. C

    My 700w led 5w diode grow

    You guys only run LED's cause they look cool when you're baked :sleep:
  2. C

    first successful harvest

    Between 2 and 4oz, looks very tasty!
  3. C

    Flowering plant back to veg

    You can take clones anytime. They just take a few weeks to switch back to veg.
  4. C

    revegging multiple times? anybody try it?

    Try it and let everyone know what happens.
  5. C

    Changing 250 hps to 400 hps

    Other than the 400's still to small, no worries.
  6. C

    Drooping Leaves in Hydroponic System

    Temp and Ph are fine. They're drooping because they can't uptake enough water. Drop your nutrients by half, they'll respond in a few hours at most.
  7. C

    Help--400 watt hps ballast wont turn on

    Take it back
  8. C

    Light Movers

    Find one with adjustable stops and just let it move back and forth 6" or so and a little delay on the ends.
  9. C

    Need Light Advice!!!!!!!!

    Just missing the ground? As long as it's on a circuit with a breaker, and you can keep the splice dry, I'd use it. Beats nothing, or not enough light.
  10. C

    Unsulphured Molasses???

    Give it to them, they'll love it.bongsmilie
  11. C

    Just came across this on ebay.... interesting!

    Buy one and try it! If nothing else you have an awesome veg light for life. Come on, everyone's doing I got a RFQ from a chinese manufacturer for 400w bi-spectrum fixtures (look just like indagro) $275ea@100pc quantity (shipped 7-10 days) . Find 98 other people that wanna try these...
  12. C

    Foliar feeding during flowering

    same exp.. they love it as long as the humidity's good.