Recent content by CannabisRx

  1. C

    Herbies Head Shop was EXCELLENT!

    Yes they do.
  2. C

    Autoflower strains outdoors

    I know this post was a over a year ago (then again, how often does the outdoor season come around?), but I am really interested in your experiences with Long John Silver. From the link you provided (emphasis mine): Those are some pretty big claims that come along with a hefty price of...
  3. C

    Herbies Head Shop was EXCELLENT!

    Hi, I don't really post on these forums a lot, but I always get great information from the users here. Although I've ordered seeds in the past and never felt the need to start a thread on my experiences, I felt my recent experience using Herbies really warrants a comment. I had used Attitude...
  4. C

    Camouflage for Cannabis

    Yes, I've never grown it before, but some research into large and fast growing plants showed me the way, just be careful what happens to the seeds as they are severely poisonous (that ricin business you hinted at). As for the flowers to distract from the cannabis, I'm germinating some Vitex...
  5. C

    Camouflage for Cannabis

    I would plant some castor bean plants as a border to my garden as it grows fast and tall (10-15 feet in a summer) then I would train the cannabis along the ground to mix with late-season vegetables on one side of the garden while having a lot of showy flowers on the other side to distract attention.