Recent content by CaptainLucky

  1. C

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Best Prez since Clinton, finally giving back to the working class not Trump who made the 1% richer. Like they were hurting to start with? God bless Joe Biden for making America great again for everyone.
  2. C

    heat issue with growing in soil in pots on hot balcony

    I’m growing mine outdoors and daytime temps are 80/90s and they are in full sunlight daily. How do you think weed grows in S.America or Afghanistan in the summer. They just have to be acclimated, you don’t start seedlings in 90 degree full sunlight. You bring them out in early morning and a...
  3. C

    Can you clone a male plant and get a female?????

    Maybe they want some of that ditch weed we smoked before sunder.
  4. C

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Personally I drink Maxwell House 100% Colombian they grow pretty good weed down there too.
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    heat issue with growing in soil in pots on hot balcony

    I was getting advice on the same problem,it’s been 80s-90s here and the bro I was getting advice from lived in NW desert growing outdoors daytime temp 115 with 50mph wind gusts. He told me that it’s just getting them acclimated.
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    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Hate those little invisible bastards!
  7. C

    FFOF fungus nats

    I seen a video where testing homemade pest killers and neem oil didn’t kill anything, the fastest killer was dish soap and water. Killed in 1 minute, next best was pyrithium.
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    What Are You Listening To?

    I seen him with Steve Vai and Kenny Wayne Shepard.
  9. C

    What Are You Listening To?

    Bob Marley Legend puffing a little Maui
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    2022 OSCS grow

    Thanks for the info may the Universe treat you and your Ladies kindly
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    2022 OSCS grow

    Thanks for the info, I kind of thought that cause the T-K loves the sun. The G-C looks healthy, good color just not growing much.
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    2022 OSCS grow

    Both are growing in cheap p.soil, I bought some FFHF but I’m afraid of transplanting them.
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    2022 OSCS grow

    I got 2 seedlings growing outdoors in styro-cups,1 Temple cush reg.+1 Green Crack auto. The T-K is doing good and G-C is healthy but not getting bigger.I’ve heard you can stunt auto’s by getting too hot.
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    2022 OSCS grow

    What strain,type?