Recent content by Castrau5

  1. C

    LIGHT BURN or NUTE BURN? Photos with grow lights OFF and a confused old brain needs help!

    If you wanna know if your over feeding your plants check your runoff ppms. If your feeding at say 500 and runoff comes out at "650+" 150ppms+ what you put in then flush. Easy way to not over fertilize your plants. Also don't mist the top of your coco. Just water it if it looks dry till you...
  2. C

    Soil question

    Easy answer ditch soil for coco. Problem solved. Coco for life.
  3. C


    Yes you can. Why spend 40% more on electricity and 40% more on your hvac when you can get an led to produce the same amount of weed but saves you on Bill's. I've been running the gavita 1700e leds for 3 grows now and I'll never buy another HPS again. Led produces bigger, more colorful buds for...
  4. C

    Best yielding LEDs

    Gavita 1700e all the way. Never buy blurple. The gavita LED out produced my xtrasun 1000w de lights. Bigger more colorful nugs. I've grown blue glue for years and just grew my largest top nug eber under the led.
  5. C

    Lumatek 600w LED??

    Seems like a great light. I prefer 8 bar lights over the 6 bar but that's just my opinion. I run 3 gavita 1700e and love um. Wouldn't buy another hps light, led all the way. Side by side vs my de 1000w bulb and the led outperformed. Bigger heavier nugs.
  6. C

    Sealed room plants off gassing ethylene and causing issues

    I use my veg room for drying so my veg plants can be in the flowering room spread out under the scrog net and when the nets get full I switch to 12/12. If I dried in my flower room that would delay my next crop by 2 weeks. I still have my burner but don't use it. Tanks are way cheaper in my...
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    can someone tell me what this is about!!!

    I've failed and made every mistake In the book to get to where I'm at today. On the bright side if you have a problem I've most likely had it and conquered it.
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    can someone tell me what this is about!!!

    Agreed good info.
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    can someone tell me what this is about!!!

    My info come from 10yrs experience. I'm just pointing out his first mistake so he doesn't do it next round. So when problems like this arise it's way easier to flush your plants and start fresh. If he was in a smaller pot I'd tell him to flush till his ppms runoff was the same as he put in...
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    can someone tell me what this is about!!!

    Meant to say can be done.
  11. C

    can someone tell me what this is about!!!

    Theres advantages of small pots also. If those plants were in solo cups it would be really easy to take a ppm reading and flush out any issues. With a big pot small plant to flush it means over watering because the roots aren't established in a huge pot. Keeping your coco pots small makes...
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    can someone tell me what this is about!!!

    I've gotten plenty of coco grows under my belt and know what I'm talking about. I grow 1/2lb plants in 5 gallon pots
  13. C

    can someone tell me what this is about!!!

    What medium do you grow in? Yes you can toss a seed Into a 10 gallon pot of soil and make it work. Coco on the other hand is a soil less medium and it's a different kinda beast than soil. Tossing a seed Into 10 gallons of coco is just asking for troubles. I wouldn't dig up those plants or...
  14. C

    can someone tell me what this is about!!!

    These plants should still be in solo cups. Way to much coco for these small girls. You gotta get your pot sizing correct first because that the main thing causing issues. After you fix your pot size and if you still have issue we can talk about those then. But first fix your pots.