Recent content by CDNSTEVE


    Opening A Vapour Lounge in the GTA

    Hot box was open a back in June and as for legal info your best bet is to talk to a lawyer before starting this up .

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    I have been following this thread and had high interest in becoming a licenced producer , after reading the demands and needs from Health Canada this can not be started off on a small scale meaning a large cost to operate or even get your foot in the door . Every guide line is a cost and no...

    Caught growing in Ohio

    Depends how you got booked , If they had a bum warrant then your good just ride it out, if not then you might being doing some time

    Had a few plants ripped...

    Just how things go man , I've been ripped before with a 2 ft plat in veg during July after growing in the same spot for 3 years and more plants go figure , got to be stealth even then your odds are still good from leo finding it just a on going battle legal or not . Now learn from your mistakes .

    just did tie down method.. any feedback. .

    Nice plants my rotty loves to eat mine also, lost a few cause of them due to this let alone knocking them over .

    Ontario growers?

    Depends on the strain but most will start from now or the beginning of August. What part of Ontario you are growing if the North they start now, If South we have another two good weeks .

    A Little Kushy Auto- Femizied

    Auto don't like to be transplated , I'd place it outside in a shady spot for a week to harder it off then it will be able to adapt outdoors and thrive . Birds will try to eat a 3-4 day seedling so be cautious .

    400w MH bulb for 600w ballast?

    I recently just set my stuff up ,being all excited never give it much thought if my ballast was tuned properly? Light was working fine the whole two weeks since... when I looked, it was turned on 600w so switched it back . Differance was the heat of the bulb and brightness seemed to go more...

    Temp Issues ?

    Ok a update on my temps since upgrading to a 6'' inline fan rated at 440CFM I am at 27-30 degrees with 22 during lights off been some fine tuning but progressing .Hope to start a journel of my first vert grow !

    I found someone elses plants. What to do?

    I would personally just crop them ,so he buggers off and doesn't stumble upon yours . This is the safest method , as you said very open and drawing un wanted attention. You two already thought this I am sure more will follow .

    Temp Issues ?

    Fan is 175 CFM so this could be my solution to upgrade to a 400 ,but is that possible with a 4'' fan ?

    Temp Issues ?

    Will have to cheek that , but the tent sucks in when closed so not sure if a bigger one is needed again correct me if wrong . Looks like it's sealed proper ducting tape and clamps and my buddy has the same set up but is horizontal with reflectors but is room is alot smaller to cool then mine ...

    Temp Issues ?

    Venting , Yes the carbon filter and exhaust is outside the tent running though the top right corner exhausting through a cool tube all 4'' ducting vent is connected to cool tube also ? , The intake is on the left bottom corner with a ac vent feeding it cool air . I will show picks tomorrow...

    Temp Issues ?

    Hello , Just picked a ds 90 tent 3x4x5' ,running a 400 watt under honeywill fan with a 4'' inline fan and 4'' exhaust . Temps are 32 F, fan is on low setting ,as all the threads say to do. Now trying to drop my temps over the past few days running my window ac at 72 -70 with ceiling fan...

    **new mmar laws!!**

    Ok be interesting where this goes but hope it's in are favour ! worth a try, worse case they ban it and ill grow somthing else