Recent content by changalang

  1. changalang

    Which do you prefer: Indica OR Sativa strains?

    i've smoked more indica than sativas and i haven't smoked a sativa for ages so i'm kind of tired of indica strains or indica heavy strains but i guess it would depend on the situation. before sleep obviously an indica but if with friends sativas good. i'm going to go back to sativas now.
  2. changalang

    My Plants Are Budding!!

    lol christmas and orgasm i love the usage. also congratulations
  3. changalang

    What and Where is your favorite Festival?

    i may be heading to reading festival in UK this year .... since i live in UK so i can't make these american festivals which is a shame. i'd like to make it to an american music festival someday
  4. changalang

    Pistol Color Vs. Trichomes!

    thanks for the info from the faq should be helpful in choosing what range of effects i want from my first grow. have had too many heavy indicas hoping to have less of a couch lock effect
  5. changalang

    Pistol Color Vs. Trichomes!

    thanks for this excellent info i've usually always had the definite indica couch lock effect high so it's nice to know that harvesting at different points might give a slightly different effect.
  6. changalang

    One person you would NOT smoke with!

    i wouldn't smoke around people who try to preach about weed being bad and try to get you off it. totally spoils the moment. who i WOULD smoke some bud with though would be Seth Rogen that guy kids man. also Kevin Smith he's my favourite director.
  7. changalang

    Your most potent and strongest strain...

    Here in England off my dealer i've gotten ak-47 which was extremely nice and quite potent although i did take it in my early days of smoking weed but i'd still recommend it. My favourite strain that i've ever taken though in my experiences was this strain called Edelweiss which i got from this...
  8. changalang

    Most POTENT Indoor Strain In The World?

    how about barney's farm LSD strain they report a thc content of 24% not sure about CBD though. Have to be honest thoughstrain genetics aren't the only thing that are important for potency of a plant it's gonna come down to how well you grow them and what not.
  9. changalang

    best indoor potent indica strain

    you can also get auto hindu kush so if you're a lazy grower who can't be bothered with light cycles you can get that as well
  10. changalang

    best indoor potent indica strain

    i think you should grow a pure sativa like thai indoors and let it veg for a good few months i'm sure that'll be fun lol jokes. hindu kush maybe?
  11. changalang

    L.E.D. grow lights?

    been reading through this thread.....well not all the way through got to like page 6 and got bored because everything being said about led grow lights is the same on both sides but there are a lot of differing ideas. In my opinion i think of led grow lights as an additive to the grow process, i...
  12. changalang

    Can these prices be for real?? Please check it out.

    also even if the item's default language is chinese, you can still change it to english probably most electronic items are multilingual these days so shouldn't be too hard to change the language...... you just have to try and find that selection amongst all the jibberish you can't understand lol
  13. changalang

    Can these prices be for real?? Please check it out.

    yeah those prices look very nice. feel like ordering off there as well now obviously not sure of it's legitness but i may do the same. i used their talk thing and asked them about custom charges and they send the items as "gifts" so that should avoid that if it all goes well. i do know another...
  14. changalang

    Blunt,Joint,Bowl,Bong,ect. WHICH IS UR FAV?

    i probably use the pipe the most though just to make my stash last as long as possible.