Recent content by ChicagoMagic

  1. C

    Is This Ready for Harvest? Pic! Day 65

    Is this for real? hahahaha
  2. C

    The Best Nutrient for Aeroponics?

    That video really kicks ass with that sweet guitar intro hahaha If someone had a infomercial selling dull knives I'd buy them if that gnarly ass guitar was playing the background.
  3. C

    My Plant is Withering What Will I Do? Aero Garden Growing

    I'm not a super experienced grower myself but i thought the AG was awesome lol I grew my first plant in there using just the AG nutes and it turned out fine. Although i did grow an auto-strain (auto-assassin) so that may have been why it was so forgiving. I had a similar root problem and just...
  4. C

    My AeroGarden Grow=) 1st time

    looks like sativa dominant strain to me. Be prepared to get more lights since its likely to outgrow you ag. It's best to grow auto flowers in the ag, in my opinion,since its all they ag can really manage.
  5. C

    Yellow and brown leaves

    well im feeding her aerogarden nutes and the ph is controlled. It never goes above 6. This morning i dumped the old water and put in a new gallon. @Nate, Thats a good ass idea to mist with nutes lol. I never even thought of that.
  6. C

    Yellow and brown leaves

    Growing a Short stuff auto assassin in an aerogarden 7 pod. New grower but from what i can tell it looks like nutrient burn? The ph is controlled and its on basic aerogarden nutes. I just want a second opinion. Any suggestion is helpful. Its about 3 and a half weeks old.
  7. C

    This is why i hate wind

    lol its pretty rare to find an actual pound containing the exact strain around here. Everybody sells in o's and half o's.
  8. C

    Auto Assassin anyone?

    So i finally got my Aerogarden today and I'm going to start my journal lol
  9. C

    This is why i hate wind

    Hey are you also from chicago? Reason i ask is our wind storm was 50 mph lol
  10. C

    two free 5 packs of dinafem .....

    OOOO thanks for clearing up what the % stands for. I knew they were all fem but i didnt know that was the success rate. My seeds from dinafem are pretty white though. Doesn't that signify older seeds? I'm new to growing still.
  11. C

    This is why i hate wind

    ya I'd love to not have to bonsai or "lollipop" the plant, however living in a city populated by 7mill isn't the safest place to grow an 8ft cannabis plant lol By cutting all lower foliage it looks like a bonsai-d bush to the average person. Its also much more aesthetically pleasing to the eye...
  12. C

    This is why i hate wind

    Lol thats a big momma lol Mine's not quite that thick However it did hit the 8ft mark :D I really do not know how you guys can trim multiple plants lol Unless you have like a group of people helping.
  13. C

    This is why i hate wind

    Went to go take a look at the plant after work. There's no plant. INSTEAD just a stem with the branches blown all over the area lol So i had to run around picking it up. The wind was ridiculous today. The leaves were already soggy and i couldn't even finish trimming and manicuring it. Also props...
  14. C

    Seeds taken by U.S. customs

    Attitude all the way dude. Free seeds and they guarantee you'll get your seeds. Took 5 days for my last order to arrive
  15. C

    two free 5 packs of dinafem .....

    You can see it in the picture but the ten free seeds i got from dinafem were critical+ and Blue widow. All the critical plus seeds are white lol and only two blue widows are a nice brown. But it's free and i'll just use them for an outdoor grow. Plus the shirt i got in case people are curious lol