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  • It would have been cool a side by side grow started on the same day but using different techniques but the other guys plants died. OOPS! It's important keeping some sort of records at my age. Hell by the next grow I will have forgotten. I was going to fertilize one of four plants with my own seaweed and compost tea but I screwed up and used commercial fert on all of them a couple of times. At least it's my own sweet soil tended for years. FF ain't got nothing on my soil!!! Day off tomorrow so I'm gonna pull them out of the for pictures and a gentle foliar. Have a great night Chief!
    Crossing is easy but especially outdoors where you can better isolate a piece of a male. The trick is to have a goal and I never did. Thing is a NL X Skunk #1 cross is going to yield a good plant with hybred vigor. Can't go wrong. Shake it easy!!
    I'll tell you chief that I keep a pretty detailed log on all aspects of my grow for future use. I was buying seed from the "Super Sativa Seed Club" back in 1982. I was actually just looking at my log book from 1984 when I had been doing a few years of crosses. It's pretty funny shit and for me it showed me how LITTLE things had really changed. There was no internet. I refered to a magazine called "Sensimilla Tips" It was newspaper print and no colored pics. LOL. Just between you and me chief for the most part it is not rocket science. It does require some understanding of plants and a little luck indoors or out.It's sad bud... I germinated my seeds on the same day as another guy here and we were going to just go thru the grow together on the same thread and see how doing different things worked out. Well his plants all died and I have nowhere to post my pics and get overly excited. I throw a pic or two on kronnixs and calicatt's threads but I am the man without a thread.
    I see u know MIDAMBER...HUH? Wait till I get my hands on him lol, he is 1 of the assets to our family.
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