Recent content by Chong.IN

  1. C

    monkey attack. equatorial sativa...

    Yes monkeys, im in india so not so uncommon ;) didnt have any ducktape just som electrictape. tried it just after it happend but no real effect and as the lower part is getting more energy perhaps i should just cut it were it snapped...i moving it is out of the question, rootsystem is going...
  2. C

    monkey attack. equatorial sativa...

    this plant have just been let by itself pretty much the whole time since it sprouted some 8 month back.. i wouldnt care so much for this one but its the only one still standing, it didnt have a good place to grow at, some other plants but some meters away did really well before they got...
  3. C

    Organic Indian Grow!!

    yo, unfortunalty i had some busy times. I thought i would try to put the ots outside weather been very european for some days. well it changed and the strong sun i guess burned my seed. it was only two so no biggie. new one put straight in soil and will be under cfl as soon as they break the...
  4. C

    India Grower's Thread

    Yo. flowering sativa landrace, any input on adding coconutwater? soil have not been treated prev. just some small grow tablett a few time.. need it too boost mostly speed due to cyclonseason coming,. it dont react well to sprayedfertilzer and have just been sussefully treated with neem oil...
  5. C

    Organic Indian Grow!!

    YO . slow day. "area cut" full day with no current batteries went dead after 5h. lucky not to be growing indoor yet... nothing happening in the pots. or at least not above ground ;) just for curiosity How long time do you have on average of seed popping in soil? hmmm thinking of good way to...
  6. C

    Organic Indian Grow!!

    aight carry on the learning by doing, :) i have not tried lst myself so no input on that one...hope you hit some jackpot..will be copyiing u if you do :) djungle campout in wilderness, 5 kind of weed 3 kind of charras what could go wrong? Better prepare a lot of coolers with munchies thats...
  7. C

    Organic Indian Grow!!

    ahh and about the indicas outside, try it! if you compare the climate from the area it came from maybe u could find the time when your current season offers some similiar traits or at least not totally crazy different, temp, rains, etc etc just an thought.. by the way when is rainy season...
  8. C

    Organic Indian Grow!!

    ahh got me thinking about the flavoured blunts i used to buy for rolling, good stuff ;) yes 7 h was express, however now im waiting very much for it to show itself to the sun. after putting it in the potts i found myself sitting just next to it..waiting... haha perhaps some instinct of some...
  9. C

    Organic Indian Grow!!

    What about scrog for outside? perhaps something to try if uve got seeds and space to experiemnt ;)
  10. C

    Organic Indian Grow!!

    Nice :) Had some plans to try it indoor last year, were thinking of doing a scrog, just putting some net over it and let it spread under an board of good tubes, lighttube market got plenty to offer.. since it grows what seems forever it would probably be enough with one under the net... perhaps...
  11. C

    Organic Indian Grow!!

    so here she is, it has grown freely no added anything during thee full has just been there while some other plantds were growing strong in a better position a couple meters away. i sprayed it with some nutrient water solution, it didnt like that at all. strted to get yellow leaves...
  12. C

    Organic Indian Grow!!

    good for you. it seems this pure sativa is a real fav. among the oldschool folks, and so many people search for that puuure sativa. yaa i agree. as with most things. back to basic india style is the way to go. and got so many organic ways to do it around here, im just learning myself... the...
  13. C

    Organic Indian Grow!!

    good summup for the subject of the local landrace.. yes im sure youl find plenty of aloe :) awesome healthproduct as well. ahh yes the charras, got some upperscale average (by...
  14. C

    Organic Indian Grow!!

    Yo! sorry to hear, have u thought about growing any autos? Easy to order easy to grow..will sort out your stash in 2 month time!! great quality smoke, u will need that special constructive thinking to tackle the challanges with the local seeds.. :) me i got only one survivor outside this...
  15. C

    Organic Indian Grow!!

    Yo Organic toker, if you hav not, read up on thesouth indian sativa landrace ...being landrace it had adjusted to the specific enviroment which makes it very difficult to to inside. just dont listen! whats your electricity situation?? Peace!