Recent content by Cubanfarmer

  1. C

    first timer bushy creation. should i start flowring?

    Dude, first of all the way you set up every thing is a real risk.. the light can fall and kill you plant. She is looking excellent though good job! Also i would transplant before you flower you do not want to disturb roots when flowering....
  2. C

    What Are The Best Materials? Help Please

    Ocean forest soil is the best.. I would also add a little moss for better drainage. Botanicare & General Hydroponics are very good.. Lighting and temps are very important light MH is best for grow and HPS best for flower.. Depending on your area and plants you are planing on growing will...
  3. C

    My First Grow, wanting some quick replys

    Cool man sounds like you got it together... Just alot of TLC you will be fine dont complicate things.... If you have a ppm meter and ph the soil you should be fine!
  4. C

    First Grow.. yellowing leaves pls help(pics!)

    First Ph of 7.0 is to high drop you Pd down to also seem to have a over watering issue or draining issue... What type of soil are you using..and nutes if any???
  5. C

    first grow meds day 17 of veg haveing some problems. (pic)

    What are your temps... also looks like you are using LED throw that crap awat MH & HPS are the best, you will not get the results you want with LED. Ok back to your plant what type of soil are you using and ph water and how much nutes ... Thanks!!
  6. C

    good way to stop bugs?

    depends on what bugs but there are many diffrent natural ways you can cure any bug issue. Lady bugs are great! there are also predetor mites..Etc
  7. C

    Aeroponics system help

    Ok first of all you need to be checking your water temps they should be around 68-75 deg.. your ph should be around 5.5.. you also need a ppm meter which tells you how much ferts are in the water. To much ferts you will burn and kill them to little you will not see as fast of growth. Also you...
  8. C

    Root aphids!!!

    Azatrol go to your hydro store and pick that up it will kill all those fuckers with no problem.... If you dont take care of is asap roots will start to die and rot. Its easy you just add it to the water fill as high as you can you will have no issues... Ive tried it all lady bugs and flushing...
  9. C

    1st Bubble Bucket grow 2nd grow ever

    Hey whats going on brother, you might want to think about have two seperate buckets roots will get tangled very quickly! and how much ppms are you running. There looking very healthy great job!