Recent content by Cyco Nigel

  1. Cyco Nigel

    Weird yellow leaves

    The correct acidity of the growth medium, fertilizers and water is very important. The acidity level determines the quality of the bacterial life, and the metabolic rate of the marijuana plant. Bacteria, which are important for the conversion of fertilizer to absorbable substances thrive best in...
  2. Cyco Nigel

    Weird yellow leaves

    I would also put your lights to 18 hours
  3. Cyco Nigel

    Weird yellow leaves

    I can say that your p.h is to high you should have it around 5.8 or 6 at the most.
  4. Cyco Nigel

    Nutrient life expectancy and other ???

    Im pretty sure that chemical nutes will kill the micro herd. With your schedule just stick to it and you should be fine.
  5. Cyco Nigel

    Nutrient life expectancy and other ???

    In a ebb and flo 30 gallon reservoir with air stones , how long does organic nutrients stay alive and beneficial.? Your nutrient when made up will last around 10 to 14 days. If you work out how much your plants are drinking then you can work out how much nutrient you should make up as well as...
  6. Cyco Nigel

    Lighting for my seedling

    As long as your light isn't too close they will be fine, just monitor your temperature and keep it as stable as you can. If you keep your temperature consistent you will be fine. Little ones like to be warm but just keep your humidity around 60% and you should be wright
  7. Cyco Nigel

    What's wrong with my little girl?

    CONTROLLING THE ENVIRONMENT How Important Is Water Quality In Hydroponics... Water quality is an important determinative factor in hydroponics cultivation. Water is the basic ‘carrier’ in hydroponics as it dissolves and transports nutrients for plants. However, water also dissolves a lot of...
  8. Cyco Nigel

    What's wrong with my little girl?

    You want humidity around 60%
  9. Cyco Nigel

    What's wrong with my little girl?

    How warm is your room
  10. Cyco Nigel

    What's wrong with my little girl?

    Yeah mate and that should fix your problem. If you have any silica you could run a bit of that through your plant once you have flushed, that will help with stress for what she might be going through.
  11. Cyco Nigel

    What's wrong with my little girl?

    I would just lay off the nutes and let her dry out nicely then start your nuts at 3 quarter strength and just get her thirsty for water. So just starve her as much as you can for a week and keep her on bare minimum and then when she is starting to spring up again give her a nice dose then starv...
  12. Cyco Nigel

    Wtf is growing out my plant

    i agree with Bryan no harm done, so pull it out and move on cause you may come across worse things than that in your cycle.
  13. Cyco Nigel

    What's wrong with my little girl?

    Hi mate i would go straight to a good flush then start your nutrients at 3 quarter strengh for about a week then bump up to full.
  14. Cyco Nigel

    Urgent Spider Mite Problem - Death by Habenero

    Mites they are always a nightmare. When i've had problems with mites in the past, ive got this white powder which is called omite. I would spray that onto it when lights are off and i would also bomb my room with fido flea bomb. I always try to keep everything clean in my room as well as before...
  15. Cyco Nigel

    Y is this happening??

    I would flush your plants with fresh water, or get a product that you can use with your water when flushing. Then gradually reduce your nutrients by a quarter, cause you don't want to give your plants anymore stress than what they are under