Recent content by Cyphe City

  1. Cyphe City

    plant problems so close to harvest!

    just leave it dude , let it finish itself , its supposed to get a lil n deffiencey during the end of its cycle , its normal if u add more nutes , ur goin to have to flush out ur plant b4 harvesting
  2. Cyphe City

    Is There An Afterlife?

    theres deff. an after life simply because why would we even live in the first place , so we can eventualy just Completely die out?
  3. Cyphe City

    You Was Poppin'

    thanx u both , much respect for the higharchy
  4. Cyphe City

    Most Stupid Things

    i had basbeall praktice for highscool baseball (mad high and late) so i was doin the warm up runnin drills and i fell and the grass felt so good i just layed there laffing till my coach told me to get up and yelled his ass of at me while the others looked on and laffed too lol
  5. Cyphe City

    Do you remember the First Time?

    i rememeber , i was pretty high ,i was wit my girlfrend at the time , i was a frshman she was a junoir , so we copped it , wen to her crib , rolled it and i like a curious Fu** smoked it and got realllly* high and had to go home like 5 mins after we smoked , my mom new it , wasnt soo pissed but...
  6. Cyphe City

    My first and only plant..

    very nice , id rather have a bushier plant than a tall plant
  7. Cyphe City

    You Was Poppin'

    im new to da site , seems pretty cool , got a plant of my growin as we speak im new to growin but my momma alsways sed i had a green thumb lol ya digg