Recent content by daggerbud

  1. daggerbud

    One HITTER Quiter

    ok if you want something to put you on your ass than may i sugest to look for jack haire now theres something good :)
  2. daggerbud

    shroom smoothie

    well i am about to aquire some primo shrooms and i was wondering if anyone has heard of or tryed a non dairy shroom smoothie before, does it work ? is it better than shroom tea ?.... any feed back will be appreciated. :peace::peace::peace:
  3. daggerbud

    Welcome New Members!

    well from the sounds of it your baby is doing fine just dont forget to water it, oh and what strain is it ,please do tell if you know.
  4. daggerbud

    LSD + MDMA = Good Shit? Candy Flip

    but i might just try mdma+acid sounds like fun but there has to be a down side to it...
  5. daggerbud

    LSD + MDMA = Good Shit? Candy Flip

    i find anytime i ever do mdma or E i just want to do it again and again but i dont have that physical addiction to it and as for acid i can do alot of hits in one night and have a 1 month brake before i do it again
  6. daggerbud

    Anyone want the craziest trip ever.....shrooms or acis just aint enough?

    dont do it a friend of mine did it and o.d on it and just about died and he took a low dose, this guy go through shrooms/acid like its nothing so my advice is not to do it no matter what people say,just stick with acid and mush at least you wont get fucked over that bad
  7. daggerbud

    NIN fans...

    went to go see them live the other day my 2nd time going to see them still my most fav. concert ever nin puts on one hell of a show
  8. daggerbud

    Favorite Gangster Movies

    godfather scarface american gangster four brothers
  9. daggerbud

    Favorite Movies While Smoking/High

    scarface is a good one to watch
  10. daggerbud

    Music to Smoke to @_@ (suggestions)

    nine inch nails get there frist album pretty hate machine and put that on all night while smoking meany fat bowls with friends good times...
  11. daggerbud

    Death fucking metal

    everyone here has to check out the famine bad ass death metal band The Famine on purevolume
  12. daggerbud

    Your Favourite Stoner Music

    go into the punk like nofx,rancid,propagandhi... always a good time when hittin the bong