Recent content by dgomo

  1. D

    Length of time before harvest?

    Well, if anyone is interested, I just observed the first amber trichomes today. I only found 2 or 3 individuals on one of the buds, but at least I know I'm getting closer. Maybe if I wish really hard, they will be 1/2 amber by next Friday...
  2. D

    Length of time before harvest?

    Yeah, that's what I assumed. Looks like whatever it is about my methods and bagseeds are leans more toward the 10 weeks side of things. Which sucks because I'm going to have to make a decision to harvest either before I leave town for a couple weeks or after. My sister-in-law can be trusted to...
  3. D

    Length of time before harvest?

    So here's a few questions I feel more experienced growers think is common knowledge, but n00bs like me can't find a straight answer. When does flowering actually begin? I consider flowering to begin the same day I go from 18/6 to 12/12. Is that the case? Some information I have seen talks about...
  4. D

    Cloning advice needed

    Just saw this link on another clone thread i was on. i think this explains what is going on here:
  5. D

    Cloning advice needed

    That's definitely something i'm going to be correcting this time around. tomorrow marks the 4th week since cutting, 2nd week of transplanted. they are growing so many nodes so close together. The original mother did not have the nodes anywhere near that close together. they also haven't been...
  6. D

    Cloning advice needed

    That's it! Finally someone has had the same thing happen. It's so weird. I wish I could figure out what caused it so that I could avoid it next time. I wonder if it had anything to do with the Shultz Take Root in combination with the MG potting soil I use (I know, I know, MG haters). Then again...
  7. D

    Cloning advice needed

    Well, it looks like they are doing fine, just looking a little weird. The number of fingers on each leaf seems to be increasing at each node development like it normally would from a seedling, but just really big leaves as if they were from a full grown plant. I guess I got my answer then, no...
  8. D

    Cloning advice needed

    I don't think this happened due to the size of the cuttings being too small. As I said, I waited until the plant showed sex in the flowering stage and as a result, the cuttings were pretty well established.
  9. D

    Cloning advice needed

    So, I searched for an answer for this, but I did not come back with many results... I recently tried my hand at cloning. I took 5 cuttings on Aug 1 and all of them took (lucky me!). I really did it half-assed and used no humidity dome or warming pad or anything. All I did was to mist the leaves...
  10. D

    First Grow: Bagseed (Hopefully very successful with some luck and a shit ton of TLC)

    What? Look, I don't pretend to be an expert here, but let's think about that logically... A plant being either male or female in the same environment would make no sense to switch to male to propagate the species. Jamaica's reals hot, lotsa weed there! AS far as vigorous ones being male, I've...
  11. D

    First Grow: Bagseed (Hopefully very successful with some luck and a shit ton of TLC)

    not for what you are doing right now, but they won't have enough lumens once those plants get any bigger... read up on the recommended amount of lumens per sq ft (alt. per plant). There's loads of info all over this site about that. The wattage itself really has no importance to the plant...
  12. D

    Lighting Schedule

    I have never heard about different strains liking different light schedules. I guess that makes sense since a lot of plant strains get their qualities from their original regional environment. I have read before that the 18/6 is preferred because that particular combination of light & dark...
  13. D

    First Grow: Bagseed (Hopefully very successful with some luck and a shit ton of TLC)

    Nothing in particular, just a little of everything. Lights too far away, lights too close, no air movement, starter pots were too small... There's so many little things that you just get better at with experience that doesn't necessarily make much sense before it comes up... I like your idea of...
  14. D

    First Grow: Bagseed (Hopefully very successful with some luck and a shit ton of TLC)

    Imo, if you think they need straightened, it can't hurt. I had the same problem with my first grow and a half (I say half because the first 4 died right where yours are). I didn't do anything to the first little ones that started bending over and they just never recovered :wall:. Now that could...
  15. D

    First Grow: Bagseed (Hopefully very successful with some luck and a shit ton of TLC)

    Hey T, I'm about the same stage you are with your little girls. Planted germ'd seeds a couple days ago (didn't break the surface yet). You know, i don't know that the temp is as important as ventilation. Sure, a lot of excess heat is not good, but I've never had too many problems with mid 80s...