Recent content by Diann

  1. Diann

    What's The Craziest Homemade Bong You've Ever Made?

    I replied to Tre_Jay @ water bottle~
  2. Diann

    What's The Craziest Homemade Bong You've Ever Made?

    Hey~ Its been done for quite some time ..years even~sry
  3. Diann

    Bong water

    great dream tho~lol
  4. Diann

    Bong water

    Thanx guys,cant believe everything we hear,once again! Just what I thought~eewww
  5. Diann

    Bong water

    :?:Does anyone know if watering with diluted bong water will add to the potency of the grow?:idea:
  6. Diann

    I would like to announce to everyone that

    :sad:Good 4 you~ Its dry here:!: Enjoy your world~ hopefully I can say the same thing later on(*;*)
  7. Diann

    Harvesting half now, half later?

    :roll:Tonite is the "Harvest Moon"~ Supposedly its prime time to harvest~~according to Farmers Almanic**Anyone know anything about this? Jus' wondrin?:weed:
  8. Diann

    This kinda disturbs me!

    Sarah~ Thanx 4 posting this.. U_R right! Sad but tru~I've pretty much lost a lifetime friend over such**thats 40 yrs. man! & shes' a stoner too..makes me so upset! Politians killed Christ too ehh?
  9. Diann

    This kinda disturbs me!

    Sarah, you're comments ARE always Right ON~ They sure arent thinking RATIONALLY RIGHT!! They are "thinking IRRATIONALLY "LEFT" How about the Militant Christian freaks that got Busted while preparing for the antichrist..? NOW, THATS THE SCARIEST! out!!!
  10. Diann

    Help me identify this little bug feasting on my plants!

    OH YES:hump::clap:what a kool idea~cut a small piece off~hold it with tweezers & put it on the stoned little suckers & pull 'em off! ~Geinus~ DEEP Thinkers,the lot of us! Sure will BLOW THEIR HIGH:cry:Tho~
  11. Diann

    Help me identify this little bug feasting on my plants!

    ;-) Hi~ I saw little black ones~(FUNNY)~so I tried gettin' them off~They moved uber slow,Woulnt go away..just stonedly went to other side of same branch! Little thief suckers~ oh can try a small sqirt of dish soap in a waterfilled spray bottle.keeps 'em off. wont hurt plant. Plants...
  12. Diann

    HELP PLEASE~ D&A assessment

    we're in Il...he got a 30.00 fine..but it was in school, so they want him to do the assessmnt & be a NARC or go to a reform type school~ Thanx & Bless you for replying..
  13. Diann

    HELP PLEASE~ D&A assessment

    My grandson,16 got busted with sm amt. of weed. Any advice on that ~@#%&*@ gov. assessment questionaire?kiss-assscarred Gramma
  14. Diann

    So its my birthday, and my folks want to buy me a good bottle of liquor

    Hi ~:clap: hope ya have a peaceful & Loving Day! Bob Marley said (something like~) Marijuana fix da world~alcohol ruin da world!:weed:
  15. Diann

    What's up?

    :peace:Howzit!? likewise. Im :eyesmoke:enjoying a sweet lazy Saturday~hope ya do the same!Diann