Recent content by dickdasterdly666

  1. D

    Admin Needed Asap

    im trying to bloody get a hold of an admin, the chat doesnt work for me to try n talk to anyone {think its my pc} and i have tried the contact form but got no reply. so pleasseee can an admin pm me or sumthing :roll:
  2. D

    Palestine papers reveal MI6 drew up plan for crackdown on Hamas

    just when u think things arnt going to go deeper, they always do :wall: British intelligence helped draw up a secret plan for a wide-ranging crackdown on the Islamist movement Hamas which became a security blueprint for the Palestinian Authority, leaked documents reveal. The plan asked for...
  3. D

    What Do You Believe?

    ill bail out of this thread because im very scared and iv been exposed and uv destroyed my religion piece by piece. :( {Snif.Snif}. try and refer to my horse story, it might help u figure it all out. where did all the honest people go? has anyone seen tweety? lol
  4. D

    What Do You Believe?

    First off, this is my last reply to you as if u think that ur smart,cunning and able to duck behind your replies your wrong.those following might not notice this and that, but i do and your not fooling anyone but urself. lets see what the thread is about again so i can refresh your memory. What...
  5. D

    What Do You Believe?

    Sorry but ur information is way below up to date and based on nothing but heresay, and im not sure if ur talking about me seeking to convert people, since no where have i mentioned anything of that sort anywhere ever in the 127 posts that iv writen. unless your reading Dudes posts then i admit...
  6. D

    What Do You Believe?

    bro really, im not trying to figure anything out as iv done that thank you, im not trying to shine the light and do the converting business or none of that either, my 5 year old neighbours son can figure out from my posts that im TALKING ABOUT MY POINT OF VIEW, that im NOT ASKING FOR ANYONE TO...
  7. D

    What Do You Believe?

    here it is again, the expert that has been in the field for 11 days, that has spent 1-2 hours during that time reading some retarded magazine, youtube vid or some ebay report is giving us the live true feed. wow really what your saying is spot on, really you should be awarded the best reporter...
  8. D

    What Do You Believe?

    thats sweet, but really that was a toothless and poor comeback to the point that i didnt even read your post properly, i just checked the first 2 answers and last and summed it up and really you can just stare at that and think "huh okkk" lol do you comprehend english? i mean i know i have some...
  9. D

    What Do You Believe?

    hey ski i pm'd u but im not sure it went thru, did it?
  10. D

    What Do You Believe?

    lol im not sure we can all agree on that :P, i for 1 care how we got here, because if i dont care then i risk being pretty ignorant about life, since i look in the mirror everyday and realise that this is no joke and i am really alive and living in this body and this whole world and universe is...
  11. D

    What Do You Believe?

    no negativity here, i wrote my point of view, i made sure i made it clear that it was my own point of view and that im not starting an argument or debate and i even did that in his thread and made it clear. i didnt not threaten or ask ny1 to believe in what i do, but some want to make attacks...
  12. D

    What Do You Believe?

    oh boy heres that drama. lol, first of bro uv reminded me a few times that "its my own belief", im not sure why u did that a few times, as i know its "my own belief" i thought i was pretty clear to mention it a few times, maybe i should have put a disclamer? This doesn't seem pointless to you...
  13. D

    CNN interview, Pastor plans to burn Koran

    loooool, im a muslim and im supposed to be pissed off at that, but im actually a lil happy its happening. and im a lil happier to see that not everyone is retarded to believe all this rubish about terrorism. :D and nodrama i dunno where u got 106,000 from as its...
  14. D

    What Do You Believe?

    um sure, great feast on bro, feast on i say.
  15. D

    What Do You Believe?

    lol i think ur post says enuff about u. great reply i would give u loads of point for ur brilliance and intelligent reply, but i havent got any. thank you about presenting this guy, since he wouldnt be on there in the first place if islam wasnt rocketting upwards and causing panic to people of...