Recent content by distantfuture

  1. D

    Leaves Curling Upwards - Photos

    Thanks guys for the feedback, I don't think it's heat at the plant tops (bulb proximity) though, as you can see on the last photo its effecting all new growth, even the lower stuff (check out the bottom right of photo). However it can never hurt to raise lights & flush, I normally waste 3 days...
  2. D

    Leaves Curling Upwards - Photos

    I'd love it if anyone could help me figure out what's happening to my girls. I have tried to provide as much info & photos as I can. Sorry its a bit of a ramble Strain - Purple Kush - Cloned Medium - Coco & perlite Growth Stage - I have 4 generations, each 3 weeks apart the oldest of which...
  3. D

    Fresh Air Intake....Cold Air?

    I have a very similar set up to what u describe, but I vent from outside, into the room and then into the house. It was working great but the colder weather has had an effect on my last crop. (im cropping every 4/5 weeks there was a loss of almost 3 oz (from 16 oz to 13 oz total!!) Im 100%...
  4. D

    Turing intake/outake fans off during lights out?

    Thanks for the reply, I'm quite cautious about the smell which is why I'm venting into my house. Having said that since the filter is doing a really good job perhaps I should switch, if even just for the winter months. That said, the heat from the lamps makes the night air quite warm, its the...
  5. D

    Turing intake/outake fans off during lights out?

    My flower room is about 12 x 8 x 7 with 2 x 1000watts lighting. For venting I have a 10 inch fan pulling air from outside in, and the same size fan with a filter venting into my house. The fans have been running 24/7 since day one (late spring), but I have been noticing a decrease in yield & I...
  6. D

    Potassium Deficiency ?? Photos

    Thanks for all your responses, & sorry for not giving a bit more info about the plants. They are in 3 gallon pots with Coco Coir as the medium. Normally I water/feed them every 3 days and I had been slowly increasing the PPM of my mix (advanced nutrients grow/micro/bloom), and I always keep my...
  7. D

    Potassium Deficiency ?? Photos

    Hi there, I have a problem with plants that are about 4 weeks into flowering, it looks like a potassium deficiency to me(by the photos below). I already flushed them about 4 days ago and now am considering what to do next. I was wondering is it good to do a foliar spray with potassium (Im...
  8. D

    Harvest w/Powdery Mildew...Please Help w/Pics

    I had the same problem recently and I sprayed with high alkali water mixed with a low concentration of H2O2.about 1.5%. Did it about 1 hour before the lights came on, then turned a bunch of fans on the girls to help dry the surface and then let the heat from the lights make sure the water that...
  9. D

    Cost of Purple Kush in Vancouver?

    Anyone know how much is Purple Kush selling for in Vancouver BC? I'd love to know the prices for everything from 1/8th up to 1lb. I thought 1/8th was selling for $30 but I've heard it of it for $35 and over & I just want to be sure I'm not screwing myself over. thanks :joint:
  10. D

    Buds looking crispy - SOS

    Thanks for the advise, I'll flush them this evening at lights on and have a look at the roots to get a better picture of their condition. Hope I can stop the damage so my buds don't turn anymore crispy & burnt. The temp at the top is about 29oC & they are about 26 inches from a 1000watt hortilux
  11. D

    Buds looking crispy - SOS

    Hey and thanks in advance for any help. It looks like the girls have nute burn, they are turning crispy. They were yellowing and i gave thme some bloom as it looked like the were a bit low on potassioum but now its looking dry and brittle and in some places black all over the place in my room...
  12. D

    Leafs with brown blotchs - Photos

    Thanks again newgrowth! I'm glad this happened now, and not in a few months when I have a cycle going and way more plants. Great to know I can continue with the anti mildew spray for a few more weeks. As the buds get bigger I'll stop with the spraying, I've seen nasty mold killing clipped buds...
  13. D

    Leafs with brown blotchs - Photos

    Hey Guys, thanks for all the responses and sorry for taking ages to get back. It was a pretty hectic week getting things under control but it seems like I am back on track thanks to all your help. I basically took a little bit of all the advise I got since it seemed I had multiple problems. For...
  14. D

    Leafs with brown blotchs - Photos

    Hey NewGrow, thanks for your help Humidity max over the last 3 weeks has been 74% and the low has been 51%. I'd say on average the high is around 70% as the days with higher readings were days when they got a lot of water. However I'm freaked out now, I just was moving the plants to flush...
  15. D

    Leafs with brown blotchs - Photos

    Hey Butch thanks for the response and sorry for not being more specific with the details. I just panicked hoping for a quick fix. I just took some more photos and will give some more detail There are 20 plants under a 1000watt hortilux hps, about 30-36 inched from the top leaves. The soil...