Recent content by djphatkat

  1. djphatkat

    Who has the best air stones?

    hah, i was curious. ive got the (generic?) Aqua airstone. the micropore are a pretty penny in comparison.
  2. djphatkat

    First grow, help is appreciated

    that was quite the journal. took me four days, but i finished it. just wanted to drop in and tell you good job. im lookin at a DWC set up for myself and even thought you did the AG you make it look way easy. kudos.
  3. djphatkat

    Who has the best air stones?

    so having used both, you dont see a difference in your plant structure or bud quality using one versus the other?
  4. djphatkat

    Built it myself

    is that not satisfactory in your opinion? these plants look well, am i missing something?
  5. djphatkat

    1st time grow

    Bro, you look like youre WELL on your way. . .still. been a little out of the loop. i have to send replies through the library comps so that isnt too much safe of ANY of us. good luck none the less.:peace:
  6. djphatkat

    1st time grow

    i think its safe to say that yes your pants could look better, but like you said this is your first go 'round. at the very least the next time youll know what not to do, and be much more prepared to react when/if something goes wrong:bigjoint: not sure if my comment prompted the t5 position...
  7. djphatkat

    A few first time grow questions *pic*

    awesome info Roseman, been around the way on a few of your other posts advocating DWC and what not. keep it up! one love, JbOi:peace:
  8. djphatkat

    1st time grow

    haha, really diggin the avatar change! been procrastinating on posting, but ive been keeping up. sorry about the 'Murky Water Mishap', and i really hope it doesnt affect your girls too drastically. everytime i log on to RIU im just like 'grah, gimme some funds so i can get this thing going!' i...
  9. djphatkat

    Bubbleponics and Nutes Question

    this is a neat article i came across on another thread. you should be able to compare a few of the pictures to what youre describing, and hopefully it can answer a few questions for you. good luck!:joint:
  10. djphatkat

    1st time grow

    very nice, im diggin the bucket set up. as i stated before id be going for something like this if i had fundage. im going to call my grow "the poor man's grow" its derived off of a strict budget. i had a cybershot DSC-W50, but i smashed the screen accidently. what model is the one youre...
  11. djphatkat

    1st time grow

    - hah, i was checkin out Craigslist the past couple days and found a A LOT of good deals of used cameras. ive never bought anything on craigslist and actually tried to get ripped off when i posted my blackberry. freakin vultures :evil:. i thought this one was a good deal...
  12. djphatkat

    Welcome New Members!

    not sure what a shot glass grow is, but ill swoop by and check it out.:joint:
  13. djphatkat

    Welcome New Members!

    im sure youll be able to find out any info youre looking, good luck.:joint:
  14. djphatkat

    Welcome New Members!

    best of luck! ill ty to keep an eye for your journal if you start one.:joint:
  15. djphatkat

    CFLs Closet Grow W/ Pix (Advice welcomed)

    not sure how many times youve started (or restarted) on this thread, but your latest pics look very promising. hope your ladies are doing well. give us an update?:peace: