Recent content by DocGreen

  1. DocGreen

    Toxic grow tent?

    I have been reading several posts where people have bought grow tents that produced toxic "offgas". Some of the white lined grow tents, when exposed to high heat, will produce Chlorine gas and kill your crop. The only manufacturer to openly admit that their product killed crops was Hydro Hut...
  2. DocGreen

    Toxic grow tent? I am in the market for a new room, but obviously I want to stay away from anything that has the dreaded "Toxic grow tent" problem. I really want to keep this buy under...
  3. DocGreen

    This is my last parinoid thread....I promise

    NONO! I did not mean to give you negative rep at all!! I did not click the thing I swearz, but I will +rep ya anyway for helping me out. Actually, the wife and I want to move to Colorado. All this cloak and dagger bullshit is going to give me a heart attack
  4. DocGreen

    This is my last parinoid thread....I promise On a side note, this is the article that sent me into panic mode in the first place
  5. DocGreen

    This is my last parinoid thread....I promise

    The only people that know are me, the wife, and a VERY trusted friend of 20 years. If anyone outside that circle found out about my grow, I would plug the whole operation. I also make a big deal out of being nice to the neighbors and blending in. I know that I am being very paranoid, and...
  6. DocGreen

    This is my last parinoid thread....I promise

    I know I know this is my second newb paranoia patient with me, I am a beginner :D I have taken several measures to make sure my op is as stealth as possible. This is a small personal grow using equipment paid for online with gift cards. Furthermore, I have had all grow equipment...
  7. DocGreen

    anyonw know if marijuana will help shingles pain?

    [/COLOR] Their was a study done to see what effect marijuana has on MS. They found that it slows down the degradation of the myelin sheath, but not significantly. Most of the science in this area surrounds MS at this point, and it is still a debated topic. But yes, it will work awsome for...
  8. DocGreen

    Got a problem, Some advice?

    One of two things are going on. As mentioned earlier, you got ahold of some stuff that was spiked. I have heard stories of street dealers putting bug spray in their weed to "increase the high" The other explination would be marijuana makes everyones heart rate and BP increase a little. It...
  9. DocGreen

    anyonw know if marijuana will help shingles pain?

    Yes it should help. Marijuana works on different receptors in the body and will be more effective than morphine. Although it has no effect on the actual demyelinization caused by the virus, it will definitely help with the pain. These are the exact kind of situations medical marijuana was...
  10. DocGreen

    Can the fuzz catch a 400w lamp?

    good point
  11. DocGreen

    Can the fuzz catch a 400w lamp?

    Thanks for the input, I am done worrying about this. I will go ahead and get a 400W/Cool tube and vent into the house. Thanks for helping out a newb, and I will be sure to post pics of my first grow. I am looking at Kali Mist or some White Widow *yummy* - Peace P.S. the $500 T5 was at...
  12. DocGreen

    Can the fuzz catch a 400w lamp?

    Found a nice vid that explains FLIR *Barry Cooper* After seeing this, I feel TONS better! BTW, I showed the wife the $500 T5 and she shit a brick so I suppose I am back to HID. Thanks again
  13. DocGreen

    Can the fuzz catch a 400w lamp?

    Specifically I am talking about something like this... It cranks out 44,000 lum, while the 250W puts out 33,000*ish* Its expensive as hell I know, and I also know that a 400W would be better. Besides the paranoia factor, heat is a major...
  14. DocGreen

    Can the fuzz catch a 400w lamp?

    Just for the record, I am seriously a little bit on the OCD side, and I have a hard time with worrying about things. *hince the weed* Money is not a serious concern for the wife and I so I was wondering what everyones thoughts on T5, T8, T12 would be? Would that really be better than 250W...
  15. DocGreen

    Can the fuzz catch a 400w lamp?

    Thanks again for the help folks, I appreciate it. I still think I will stick with the 250W, and supplement with CFL as necessary. Regarding the power bill, it is my understanding that they take an estimated average use, but I wont swear to it. On a side note, I live in a new house with decent...