Recent content by DoctorMap

  1. DoctorMap

    Help mounting air cooled reflector...

    Yea that'd be best, but I got the utility cord just lying around...may as well use it. We'll see...
  2. DoctorMap

    Help mounting air cooled reflector...

    This might be a dumb question but how do I tie up my reflector? I've previously used yoyo's so I've never had the need, but now I've got my utility cord here but don't know how to go about it. I have no knowledge of knots at all. Lol. And I've seen people do it with a moveable knot, so the...
  3. DoctorMap

    The Plan: As follows...

    So this is what I've got/am getting: - 400w HPS Cooltube, already have - 1000w HPS Cooltube, going to get - .5x.9x1.6m Tent (veg), already have - 1.2x1.2x2m Tent (flower), going to get - 120cfm Inline Fan, already have - 450cfm Centrifugal Fan, already have - Carbon Filter, already have...
  4. DoctorMap

    Need advice...

    Im thinking of getting a 1.2 x 1.2 x 2m tent and using a combination of lights. What are these LED panels like for growing? ( They claim in the listing that its the same as a 250w...
  5. DoctorMap

    Aussies: Customs Question re Seed Order

    im never said anyting aboutthem not being at my door. i asked about jow long it takes to get through customs.... it usually updates to, "at local post office", "on board with driver" etc so i know when its passed throigh customs and can track that.
  6. DoctorMap

    Aussies: Customs Question re Seed Order

    I fear my order of seeds has been discocered by customs. Bastards. Anyways, how long does it take for a package to go through customs? Because i have been tracking the order (from Herbies) and it says it arrived in Melbourne over 24 hours ago, and the status hasnt changed since. Its just...
  7. DoctorMap

    Experimental Grow

    Thanks for the positive comments!!! But its hard for me to be positive at the moment as I come here to post some tragic news :cry: I DROPPED MY PLANT! From about 1 meter and it land upside down...ALL THE WEIGHT OF THE GRAVEL ONTO THE PLANT. Almost snapped one of the smaller colas clean off (tis...
  8. DoctorMap

    Experimental Grow

    Yea I know, thats quite clear....but I cant seem to stop it. Given PLENTY of results. Suspected it was nute lockout due to ph problem, so got a tester an it says my tap water is 7.4ish and after nutes are added its 6.1ish. Runoff is 6.4ish. As far as I know that should be ok??? DM
  9. DoctorMap

    Experimental Grow

    UPDATE: with Pics Im lovin comin home and walkin into my room and gettin a massive wiff whiff of fresh herb. Soooo good. And, as you can see the yellowing is going mental! Overall shots Main cola Popcorn bud :leaf: DoctorMap :leaf:
  10. DoctorMap

    Experimental Grow

    Hmm yea I reckon I'd like to see that too. All 3 at once would be interesting. But tbh, I think Im done with the experimenting for now... I think Ill stick with soil and gravel. But, maybe you should give it a go ey? Bung up a grow diary and you should generate a bit of interest I reckon...
  11. DoctorMap

    Experimental Grow

    Good question...I think I would grow in this medium again. And yes, I would change somethings such as go with at least 20% soil for first pot then probs 30%ish for second an final repot. Second repot I would definitely go with a much larger pot as well. Other then that I wouldn't change a thing...
  12. DoctorMap

    First Grow - CFL's - LST - Bagseed - Rubbermaid Stealth Box - Low budget - *PICS*

    Ey nice set up you got goin there dude...nice one. lol at the color changes to protect anonymity... gotta love the paranoia haha. Keep it up mate... got the makings of a decent little grow here. Ill be keepin check for sure. Peace :leaf: DoctorMap :leaf:
  13. DoctorMap

    Experimental Grow

    Thanks mate. The end is in sight now and Im gettin excited... Unfortunately, I have NO IDEA what those solo light fixtures are called...:( but they are very handy for side lighting and getting the light where its needed with the best coverage. Should be able to get it at any good hardware...
  14. DoctorMap

    Experimental Grow

    UPDATE: Vertical growth seems to have slowed. Its still there but slower... But its fattening up by the day. Starting to smell quite a bit. Can smell it in my room when ya walk in...time to start considering a fan up grade and carbon filter me thinks. Ill see how it goes... Not the best of...
  15. DoctorMap

    Well after smashing my big globe i went back to bunnings and they had a 65watt CFL for only...

    Well after smashing my big globe i went back to bunnings and they had a 65watt CFL for only $15... unfortunately they were only cool whites, no warms (there was quite a space there so they may have sold out) :( so I ended up having to spend more money for less watts in the right spectrum...quite...