Recent content by doeafella

  1. D

    Clay pebbles in soil?

    Thanks Snaps.....I'll take dat advice goin FORWARD!!!! At DIS point....I'm jus moreso worried bout my MIX....I had some issha's wit drainage befo' wit a SIMILAR mix...but da ratio was I was BROKE at da time......and I cut da mix wit some Miracle Gro dat was jus layin around...
  2. D

    Clay pebbles in soil?

    So what do I gotta do to be able to upload a profile pic!?!?!? Accordin to da FAQ's....I gotta jus sit and wait fo an ADMIN to make da feature AVAILABLE to me!?!?!? If dat's da case....I must hafta start "showin my face" round deez parts mo OFTEN den HUH!?!?!?
  3. D

    Clay pebbles in soil?

    No worries BRUH....I get it ALLLL da time in da social networkin worlt. It's second you've prolly noticed by my SLANGUAGE, I am a DARKER skinned homosapien...but don't let da my lack of spellin da "Kang Anglish" correckally FOOL YA, I'ain no DUMMY by a LONG SHOT!!!! It's mo' so jus...
  4. D

    Clay pebbles in soil?

    Dat's FUNNY....cause I jus did dis MY'SEF!!!! At FIRST, I mixed'em in WIT da soil at about a 3 parts soil, 1 part pellets ratio. My potna had suggested dat I put'em on da BOTTOM of da pots....but EYE felt like dey would do mo benefit INSIDE da dat's what I did. But afta I started...
  5. D

    DNA Genetics - Limited Collection - Kush Dream grow - doesn't get better than this

    I most DEFINITELY would like to grab a few of those souvenirs from ya if that's not a problem. Lemme know what I needta do to make it happen.
  6. D

    ISC Chicago Customs and Attitude seeds

    Jus an update.....Green taped AGAIN on da re-send!!!! SMH
  7. D

    ISC Chicago Customs and Attitude seeds

    I'm currently waitin on my RE-ship from Attitude, seein as I too was victimized in Chicago by customs. As of 1/11 da latest package has been sittin in Chicago.....I hope it makes it dis time. Anyone know how many times Attitude will attempt to get it right....or do dey only give you 1 do-ova!?!?!?
  8. D

    Girl Scout Cookies "Forum Cut"

    Yo Smoke, I'm new round deez parts, INFACT, I still'ain figga'd out how to upload my avi fo some reason. Jus as I haven't figga'd out how da hell to PM eitha. I did wanna chop it up witcha a bit bout genetics tho. I'm originally FROM the Bay (Richmond, Concord, Pittsburg), and came back dis past...