Recent content by Domino99

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    This is himalayan gold From the Greenhouse dudes.
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    They smell like pepermint/lemon/ginger/ tea. Cool. Are they ready yet?
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    will my plants bud?

    Ok well thanks for all the info. looking foward to some sticky goodness.
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    will my plants bud?

    So you think they will still flower with minimal direct sunlight?
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    will my plants bud?

    They are showing little white hairs by the nodes. So they are females, but I dont think they are flowering yet....
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    will my plants bud?

    In pots. They smell great.
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    will my plants bud?

    They are about 2 1/2 months old. 4 feet tall very green and bushy.
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    will my plants bud?

    I recently had to move my plants and now they receive minimal direct sunlight. Only a few hours a day when its sunny. They get a lot of light but not direct sunlight. Will they still bud? Thnks
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    Need Help With A Pesky Little Bastard

    Dude don't kill animals. find a different place to grow.
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    Strain Identity?

    First Couple pics are from the seeds in question. last one is of my Himalayan Gold female. Awesome! bongsmilie
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    Strain Identity?

    Thanks man I will post pics in a few min.
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    Strain Identity?

    Hi to all, I just planted a few seeds from a great bag of weed i got. they sprouted within a day after I put then in soil. they have very dark purple stems as well as purple edges to the first little set of leaves. any thoughts?
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    Especially if you can refrain from the munchies.
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    The Excitement Of Growing

    I just started my first grow. The excitement is there for sure. I'm doing it outdoor though. super happy.
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    I have to say. Smoking some great weed and then drinking a Guinness is pretty bad ass. I'm not sure if anyone out there agrees with me or not but I don't mind one way or the other cause its basically the awesom-est taste and feeling combo I could be having right now. If there are any persons...