Recent content by doodz

  1. D

    Ego-t + iso

    HEy all quick post before i head to work. I have an EGO-T ecig with a double coil chamber. I followed a tek i saw on IC mag where, using a couple ML of Everclear to 1 Gram ISO. Heat it on the stove together and WAh LAH! you have a THC solution for your ecig. Well it didnt work as well as i...
  2. D

    EGO-T hash oil

    I just got an ego T personal vap. Im curious as to get hash oil in them, ive smoked the same model i have with someone who had gotten hash oil, however this was drunk at a bar so even if i did ask how he did it i for sure dont remember. My model has wicks inside the chamber that holds the fluid...
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    Long post made short, I've found the best way for me to clone is in straight water, my question I should I throw an air pump in the cup with the clones and pump some oxygen In the water? It works without the pump obviously but I'm wondering if this would speed up the process?
  4. D

    bug problem

    Anyone had a problem with a gnat infestation, I think it came from my soil. I dont leave thd pots in water so im not sure how to get rid of them.
  5. D

    4x4 400w

    No its white widow, i believe i got from dr. j or something. It looks similar but it could be bad genetics in the strain. I cut a bud from the plant early in flowering in hopes of getting a mother, and i also got a blue dream seed. Im hoping its a female, i assume i should wait on cutting clones...
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    4x4 400w

    No its white widow, i believe i got from dr. j or something. It looks similar but it could be bad genetics in the strain. I cut a bud from the plant early in flowering in hopes of getting a mother, and i also got a blue dream seed. Im hoping its a female, i assume i should wait on cutting clones...
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    4x4 400w

    They just always seem kinda scraggly, not firm packed tight buds. I will admit i am being critical but i still think cycling air through the tent may help. Im not sure about temps, at least 80*F
  8. D

    4x4 400w

    Just got done with a quick grow, and my buds did not turn out as expected. I know there are numerous factors that could explain why but my question is, in a 4x4 tent with 400whps does that require a inline to cool it? I think my temps may have been too high and caused heat stress.
  9. D

    White widow grow

    Update..Im now 2 days into flowering, i havent seen any signs of males yet but we will see. Any suggestions on how to get the mother a little shorter/bushier?? The mother is under cfl and the flowering under 400W HPS. ( I havent cut off the dead leaves yet so it looks bad) The color also looks...
  10. D

    White widow grow

    Ive increased the nute dosage with the feedings. It has seemed to be helping a little. Any advice on how to set up the inline/filter? Im confused on how to set up with just 1 fan and filter. thanks also i that one in the smaller pot has been moved out to a veg closet. Im about to start...
  11. D

    White widow grow

    I do the same with watering, i had a t5 in there but i think i kept it too far from the plants, now its a 400w hps. Any suggestions on how to set up my carbonfilter/inline? I wanted to have it hooked right up to my light to take away some heat but how will the air in the tent be taken out if the...
  12. D

    White widow grow

    So my last grow turned out horribly, i believed the plants were heat stressed and did not smoke good at all. Im looking for some advice on this one, I have 4 in veg, only have room for 1 mother so if they are all female i will be flowering 3. ScrOG is to much work right now, i need a good...