Recent content by Dougybud

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    Herm? Flowering help

    :sad: i only have the one
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    Herm? Flowering help

    i did find it on a few seperate locations, i have removed the sacks, may i ask what could cause this and also, what does it do to the harvest? unsmokeable?
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    Herm? Flowering help

    hey, i have a few questions, any help is appreciated. this is my first plant, its about 4-5 weeks into flowering and i have noticed what seems to look like seed pods around the buds. Is this normal or is my plant turning hermaphrodite? I am about to feed it again and was wondering how long...
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    Yellow and curling leaves

    okay thanks for that. yeh its only about 4ft, was shooting real quick but growth has really slowed down over the last few weeks. not much at all.
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    Yellow and curling leaves

    yeh i use a multi/all purpose plant fertiliser with a number of additives, high in nitrogen, bit of phosphorus, potassium as nitrate and others whats the ideal pH level? around 6.5?
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    Yellow and curling leaves

    hey there i have noticed some of the leaves on my plant have turned a blotchy yellow and some curling. Is this too much of something or too little? any advice appreciated. cheers
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    thanks mate
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    hey, just wondering if pruning when coming into the flowering stage will stress the plant and effect the harvest?
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    Aussie Outdoor Flowering and Nute help

    okay fair enough. im just asking for some clearly needed help. i would agree, but it is sprouting tiny hairs, does this not mean flowering?
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    Aussie Outdoor Flowering and Nute help

    Hey, This is my first plant and I think she might be starting to flower. its beginning to sprout tiny hairs on the new growth and the node. Im wondering what i should feed her through the flowering stage and how often? I have been feeding it a high nitrogen fert through the vego stage, and its...
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    First time help please

    thanks. okay, so at this stage how much light or direct sun should they recieve?
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    3 weeks into flowering advice

    what signs begin to show at the start of the flowering stage?
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    First time help please

    hey, thanks alot. the plants are growing outdoors, growing under a porch. they get moved into direct sun for part of the day. im from australia so we are currently in spring. also how often should i fertilise? and what is best for them. thanks for the help
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    First time help please

    hello, i have a couple of plants growing. i believe they are a bit over 3 months in the vego stage. one is quite a bit smaller then the others. trying to get the little one to catch up, and wondering how to get them into the flowering stage as they are getting quite large. this is my first time...