Recent content by Dr. Manhattan

  1. D

    Flowering Already???

    Ive had the same thing. They are just pre - flowers. The plant is simply saying that it is old enough to potentially flower, given short enough days. Therefore, although they are mature enough to start budding, they won't do so until those arizona nights start drawing in. Hope that answered your...
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    Bugs and Animals

    Hi mate. personally the biggest threat I have to my outdoor grow are rabbits. I ringed each plant with chicken wire, its the only way! Unfortunately, 14 out of 15 were attacked because I did'nt make it high enough. The plant that was left was ringed higher, about two foot. If you do it at two...
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    Guerilla Growing watering techniques

    Whats the soil like mate? Are you sure you need to water? I'm in England and the beauty of that is I never need to water because there is always enough water in the soil. We get more than enough rain, even through the hot summer months. If your climate is similar, why bother busting your balls...
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    Preventive Steps for your grow

    Also, try peeing all around the plants and on any surrounding vegetation. You could go to the barbers and ask for a bag of hair. Spread this all around your enclosure. This works everytime and deer and rabbits will avoid the grow area like the plague!
  5. D

    Preventive Steps for your grow

    1. Ring of chicken wire around each plant. Thread a piece of cane through it to join it together and anchor it into the ground. If there are deer about, you may have to just fence of the whole area. 2. Copper tape or wire around each plant. Slugs and snails cannot cross it. How good is that...
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    Walking in the woods and found a suprise

    Well if they don't belong to anybody and it's your property, it would be rude not to take advantage. They are definately 100% cannabis seedlings. If I were you, I would leave them exactly where they are as they would not have grown there if conditions were not suitable. I would say you will...
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    pond water?

    Hi folks. Im growing outdoors this season and i thought "why not use pondwater to water my plants". You see, I have a garden pond and I know it won't have chlorine in it so that solves that. Will the pond water have enough nutrients in it to feed the plants?
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    Hi there. Rain is good! Here in England it rains all the time, the weather in the summer changes daily. One day rain the next absolutely beautiful, this is normal. It means I never have to water my plants! You need as much rain as possible during veg, this won't do any harm whatsoever. However...
  9. D

    whats the best way to germ. seeds???

    Don't know if this is the best way but its always worked wonders for me. Take one litre of water which has been left to stand overnight to get rid of the chlorine. Add 1.2 ml of Maxicrop seaweed plant stimulant. Adjust the Ph of solution to 6.5. Take a shot glass and fill with solution. Soak...
  10. D

    Crimea blue - Barneys farm. Good outdoor strain?

    Hi everyone. I've been growing for five years now and I enjoy it as much as smoking the produce. Anyway, I'm new to this forum and I would like to know if anyone knows about Crimea blue as an outdoor strain here in England. I'm curious about its mold resistance, what its like to grow etc. Im...