Recent content by DrCheezIt

  1. DrCheezIt

    In-line fans: Show them who is boss!

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! It works! I finally dont have to listen to my inline 24/7 anymore. Its so hard to sleep with that thing howling all night. ++rep
  2. DrCheezIt

    is 8 pounds good?

  3. DrCheezIt

    Arizona season?

    yea it will start to cool off when they begin flowering so that shouldnt be a problem. it hasnt been for me anyway. all i can say is WATER WATER WATER. theres no such thing as overwatering in phoenix. and i grow 6-7footers each yieldin ~ 6oz(kolas) each and ~ 2 - 2 1/2 oz a branch ---(the...
  4. DrCheezIt

    Arizona season?

    im in the phoenix area too. i have 2 4' plants. i water once a day with 5 gallons each(15 gallon pots). my plants are all started indoors till their root systems can keep the plant hydrated in the 110degree weather usually takes them about 2 weeks till they are established then they go under...
  5. DrCheezIt

    Flowering out of season

    I have 4 outdoor plants all 2 months old and over 29". They have all been growing at a consistant rate, but about 10 days ago one stoped developing leaves and started making little white hairs on each node. I know its flowering but i dont understand why when its in 13.5 hours of light.... is...
  6. DrCheezIt

    The only plants I have ever grown.(CFL-bagseed)

    Ok, First off, Let me just start off by giving everyone on this site a VERY BIG Thank You, because with out this forum my plants(so far) would have been dead 1000 times over already. Im new to posting, but not new to following everyones grows. I have been dieing to start a grow of my own...