Recent content by drewabu

  1. drewabu

    serious seeds ak47

    They look great.
  2. drewabu

    Lowryder # 2 close to harvest??

    Does not look ready, at-least 2 more weeks.
  3. drewabu

    How Far Should My 150 Watt HPS be Above My Plants

    You don't want to stretch, How cool is your room? w/ proper ventilation you could put her around 6-12 inch away.
  4. drewabu

    Dr Greenthumbs G13

    If your spending $100 a seed you are a con mans wet dream. No respectable breeder can justify that absurd price.
  5. drewabu

    Can I Make Seedlings Flower? Experiment

    you can start 12/12 from seedling, it will take around 2-3 weeks to show sex.
  6. drewabu

    Nirvana Discout Code!! UP!

    Nirvana Crystal is a great strain, good smoke and yield.
  7. drewabu

    HPS 1000watt or 2 600watts....please advise....

    2 600w will give you better light coverage. Also your room is big enough that heat will not be that hard to keep in check.
  8. drewabu

    Confused about Yeild

    SSH under a 1000w w/4 weeks veg in 3 gallon pots got me 60-120 grams a plant. Out of 5 plants the smallest was 47 grams and the biggest was 127 grams dry.
  9. drewabu

    Multi Strain MMJ Grow. Bubblelicious,DNA Kush, Purple Shana, Dinafem Roadrunner

    Nice grows Howard, Glad to see you did well for yourself. Ive got some Sannie chocolate berry and killing kush growing right now. Didn't I try to tell you about sannie a year ago? lol
  10. drewabu

    Would like some opinions on the best organic nutes for hydro/ aeroponic grows

    Humboldt is a great organic line.
  11. drewabu

    WTF so mad... help lpease? =D

    They look fine then, if they seem frayed from heat adjust your lights or get some air flow going.
  12. drewabu

    WTF so mad... help lpease? =D

    Pull the light back some, those plants don't look that bad at all, thats why you have people telling you there ok. Can you post more recent pics?
  13. drewabu

    Sannie's Growers Thread

    Nice plants, I have some chocolate berry and killing kush in my room right now.
  14. drewabu

    how important is air?

    um, a 4ft plant w/4 weeks veg should yield around 1.5 - 3 oz dry under his set-up. Has anybody told him maybe is expectations are to high?
  15. drewabu

    How much plants/yield will i be able to support with this?

    you could grow one 15g plant...maybe