Recent content by DrHavoc

  1. D

    Have you ever grown a bonsai? Not a mother but just for fun?

    Have you ever grown a bonsai? Not a mother but just for fun?
  2. D

    How do i get the private messeges to work? I can give you my E-Mail if that will work.

    How do i get the private messeges to work? I can give you my E-Mail if that will work.
  3. D

    Uploaded harvest pics Only 2.

    Uploaded harvest pics Only 2.
  4. D

    Got any seeds you willing to trade?

    Got any seeds you willing to trade?
  5. D

    I havested the Dwarf already, I only got 20 Grams out of it It was gone in 2 days. It was really...

    I havested the Dwarf already, I only got 20 Grams out of it It was gone in 2 days. It was really good shit. Got any Special seeds? I have 10 different types.
  6. D

    I appreciate you adding me as a friend, Any advice on how to cure buds?

    I appreciate you adding me as a friend, Any advice on how to cure buds?