Recent content by Easeedoesit420

  1. Easeedoesit420

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    Just an update: My little one is starting to take off. From what I've been told, (and i don't believe everything I hear) she will grow taller when she's ready. So i patiently wait. Otherwise everything looks good to me. What do you think? Suggestions, and comments welcomed. TIA The first 2...
  2. Easeedoesit420

    Welcome New Members!

    Here's my problem/concern: my seedling is 12 days old and the plant has stopped growing vertically, but my leaves are still coming in. The center of my plant looks clustered because the the leaves are growing in. But not growing up. I checked ph levels in soil and water, haven't started nutes...
  3. Easeedoesit420

    Welcome New Members!

    Your plants look pretty healthy. I also have 1 small white spot on 1 of my fan leaves. I've been keeping an eye on my plant, and it doesn't seem like its really affecting it. ButI'm no expert. I'd just keep an eye on em. Check levels (soil and water ph, temp., humidity, etc.). Hope this helps.
  4. Easeedoesit420

    Welcome New Members!

    Never grown of heard of this, so I can't help you there. But I did notice it looks stretchy. Healthy but stretchy. I'm no expert, but I would suggest you adjust (lower) your lights. Just an opinion and suggestion.
  5. Easeedoesit420

    Welcome New Members!

    I'm 11 days in, and after dealing with a heat/humidity issue my seedling is strutting it's stuff again. I did repot it into it's final container. I also had to raise my lights. Still haven't start using nutes yet. Been advised to wait unto the 3rd week. My seedling is only 3" short, and it's 3rd...
  6. Easeedoesit420

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    So I re-potted my lilttle plant into its final container. I also adjust my lights. Now she has room to stretch her legs. Within an hour of doing this, I noticed the leaves opening a little (could of just been high too) :-) I will post pics once I take them. Oh, how do I do the whole giving...
  7. Easeedoesit420

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    Thanks for compliment catt. If this turns out good (all the way around). They'll be plenty more grows similar to this :-) oh, and Easee is cool. I caught the confused smiley lol
  8. Easeedoesit420

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    My seedling is 10 days young today, and I noticed the leaves are canoeing. I haven't started nutes yet. I noticed that is was drier in my grow cabinet, so I lightly misted (with bottled watered)my baby and added a large cup of water. I'm hoping the large cup of water will evaporate and make it a...
  9. Easeedoesit420

    Welcome New Members!

    Good looking lilrich11 growing straight up again.
  10. Easeedoesit420

    Welcome New Members!

    Day 8 of my seedling. It still looks healthy, but I noticed that it started growing at a angle verses straight up. There not been any change in its environment. I also noticed that its getting stretchy, but the lights are still in the same position. Any suggestions? I tried to take a pic but...
  11. Easeedoesit420

    Welcome New Members!

    Please share........
  12. Easeedoesit420

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    i have one seedling that is 7 days old, and 1.5" short. Right now i have 2 26w, 1610L, 6500K cfls about 1-2 inches from the seedling. i will be adding at least 3 more bulbs (different L and K of course) once i finish my bigger enclosure.To me the seedling looks healthy, but i'm no pro so any...
  13. Easeedoesit420

    Welcome New Members!

    Thanks for the compliment cindysid
  14. Easeedoesit420

    Welcome New Members!

    Howdy all. I'm 6 days into growing my first plant indoors using cfl's (growing restrictions). My plant strain is a cross between purp haze and northern lights. The plant looks healthy to me, but I'm no pro and any advice would be helpful.I will post pics and details on what I am using shorty...