Recent content by ecabraisas006

  1. E

    Yellowing leaves curling down. Any ideas?

    Thanks again! Hope this does it it and I really think it may, my grow room was flawed as the pot was on cold ground and temp is hard to maintain but now the whole set up is enclosed so we will see!
  2. E

    Yellowing leaves curling down. Any ideas?

    Hibok, thanks for the input! I think you msg be correct about the soil temperature. Took the soil temp just after the lights came back on.. Only 17C and the water the same. This won't be a difficult adjustment to make, just hope it bounces back well. Does it look like it has a shot?
  3. E

    Yellowing leaves curling down. Any ideas?

    Some pics posted. Any ideas?
  4. E

    Yellowing leaves curling down. Any ideas?

    Seedling is Dinafem White Cheese Auto. Growing under 3 40 watt 5800k cool white cfls and 2 23watt 2700k cfls in cabinet lined with Mylar. Started seed in MG Organic Soil after germination but realized it may be a bit hot then transplanted into a lighter soil (Earth Gro) 60/40 mixed with...
  5. E

    Any Royal Flush growers

    Hi, I have been growing for a while now and have just purchased Sativa Seeds strain Royal Flush . I have a climate controlled greenhouse and was just wondering if anyone has grown this strain before and what are your thoughts on the plant?
  6. E

    Nutrient question

    I am growing several female plants and am in the second week of question is what nutrients are needed more during flowering period? If anyone could help me with this i would greatly appreciate it. Thank You.
  7. E

    Stem Problem need help!

    Should the fan be blowing directly on the plants? or as just in the room to circulate the air?
  8. E

    Stem Problem need help!

    Yeah its a cell phone pic... there was much more at first but i kinda knocked some of the white stuff off with my finger, but there are now 2 light brown spots on the stem as well and a few of the larger leafs on the bottom of the plant are a little brown at the tips. I was told it may be white...
  9. E

    Stem Problem need help!

    This is my first time grow. I am using an aero garden i have several plants about 3weeks old and one of them is beginning to have a build up of a white crusty substance on its stem. Any Advice would be appreciated. Thanks
  10. E

    Need help!

    sorry to be impatient, but I could really use advice with this plant. Thanks in advance.
  11. E

    Need help!

    Hi I am new to growing and have several plants growing in AeroGardens, Ive recently noticed that one of the plants is beginning to have a buildup of some kind of white, crusty substance on its stem. Does anyone know what my be causing this and if bad how to fix it? I have a chitty pic the stem...
  12. E

    Help needed ... what have i done wrong

    no i dont think its peeling, i touched it and it came off on my fingers, its a dry crusty texture. I used bottled spring water so i dont think its calcium, if its mold how would i go about getting rid of it?
  13. E

    Need Help ASAP

    I am new to growing. I have about a 3week old plant in an aerogarden. One of my plants is beginning to have this white crusty substance building up on the its stem. What may be causing this? I have a pic but not a good one of the stem...will post more when i get the chance, does plant look healthy?
  14. E

    Help needed ... what have i done wrong

    I just started growing in an aerogarden about 2 weeks ago, and just noticed today that the stem to one plant is beginning to have a build up of some kind of white substance crusted on it. any suggestions?