Recent content by eduardors77

  1. eduardors77

    smoked 2 blunts last night

    "daily smokers" need more than 2 i think to get everything out by using the pisswater method
  2. eduardors77

    anyone smoked pineapple express?

    no. but i've smoked some of that diamond666lol
  3. eduardors77


    i wopuld recomend a pot tea, preferably no sugar because they say that mixing sugar with thc can have side effects.
  4. eduardors77

    anyone playing NFS shift on ps3 online wanna race?

    wait. do you guys have the 4pm(4 player mode) installed.i want to join but im barely over the 300 point star requierement. can i still play?
  5. eduardors77

    no weed.alcohol instead!

    yeah man. its that tolerance that keeps getting in the way.but i figured its worth it.actually i know its worth it. the gf was busy so getting laid is off ,unless, got to go to the sucks not being able to smoke but riu is an addiction that dosent need any time off. cheers
  6. eduardors77

    no weed.alcohol instead!

    i quit smoking about a week ago because im taking a break. intead i mixed some alcohol with peach juice and i got to say its pretty good. miss the spinach tough.anybody else trying to make the night alot funner?
  7. eduardors77

    smoking regs.

    my dealer only had some mexican brick. sucks but the good thing is my tolerance is going down a bit. felling all tired after it wears off. altought i can never over do it with regs. i never get too high. anybody else likes regs once in a wild.
  8. eduardors77

    Because I'm stoned

    because i am stoned i am on riu
  9. eduardors77

    how much do you smoke in one seating

    whenever i have weed ill smoke a blunt a day or a joint and a couple of bowls or just osme 3 bowls. if i have a little bit of weed left i will just smoke the bowl in one hit which gets me pretty fucked up and i even that feeling. but right now i dont have weed and i fucken sucks. but...
  10. eduardors77

    Time to burn one w/everyone

    too lazy to post mi pic up. but whos got next?
  11. eduardors77

    weed brake

    i need to take a break from smoking weed and tonihgt im going trough all my weed)about 1/2g.startint tomorrow the bong gets locked up.:eyesmoke:anybody else on a break?
  12. eduardors77

    High Animals

    i've always wanted to get a that have move out of my house and can finally get one..hope he likes weed!!
  13. eduardors77

    How much does it take YOU do get high?

    used to get really fucked up by smoking like 3 to 4 bowls but as i started to smoke less i get a better high not getting so stupid plus i save now its about 2 bowls and ill be feeling pretty good
  14. eduardors77

    What have you done to cover up the fact that your high?

    moms walks in the room and starts talking, when all of a sudden shes being serious cause i can see it in her face, but im totally gone and i start smiling and she asked me "what the fuck is so funny". i sai"i remember something funny that happened to me today". she immediately walks outof my...
  15. eduardors77

    On average, how much do you smoke per day?

    couple of bowls evened out throught the day usually does it for me