Recent content by Ekhart

  1. E

    Drainage pythium prevention Ebb Flow

    zem, thanks for your insight. why do you think the drainage pipe is okay to still have return fluid coming back? Could you give me your reasoning for this? What would happen is the drainage pipe would be backed up until the next flood cycle in say 4 hours or even 10 hours since it could be...
  2. E

    Drainage pythium prevention Ebb Flow

    Hi, I wanted to know some techniques to prevent root bourne illnesses such as pythium in an ebb and flow system. After suffering from this problem a few times I am sure poor drainage caused much of my problems, coming from NFT, where this was never a problem, I am having a tough time with ebb...
  3. E

    Unknown problems drying curling leaves

    I forgot to mention I am maintaining a 5.8 pH using automated dosing using continuous monitoring. I'm now thinking this is too high now too. Getting some kind of nutrient deficiency maybe?
  4. E

    Unknown problems drying curling leaves

    I'm kind of concerned with the brass fittings and small steel plate I have in my reservoir. This is the second month its been in use with my recirculating pump. Do you think we are seeing the signs of copper toxicity from the brass?
  5. E

    Unknown problems drying curling leaves

    When you say root pathogen, do you mean root rot? because last time I saw the roots, they were white and healthy.. no bad odor..
  6. E

    Unknown problems drying curling leaves

    Oh wow Jarvild, You are right it does look similar, we will find out soon enough when I get back there. How did all your plants get the same disease if its in soil and not sharing a recirculating reservoir? I thought soil is a lot easier to deal with root diseases? I guess not..
  7. E

    Unknown problems drying curling leaves

    Hey Punk, I have only completed the construction phase this past summer, the farthest I got was to a tree like state in veg, plants 3 feet to 4 feet tall. They died because at the time I didn't have a proper cycletimer, and used a cheap mechanical timer, switched the flood timing to 30 min on...
  8. E

    Unknown problems drying curling leaves

    I had root rot in the previous grow... and I cloroxed my system scrubbed it down.. is 23 degrees celsius still too warm to stop root diseases.. worst part is.. I just bought a chiller, but didn't install it.... because I thought with the winter and the weak light there wouldn't be a need. What...
  9. E

    Unknown problems drying curling leaves

    Hey guys. first post. I have a few plants in an ebb and flo. timer is on 8 minutes drain, 2 minutes fill. 600 watt hps reservoir temps at 22 deg celsius, after a flush it is down to 12 deg celsius . air temp is at 24 deg celsius nutrients is flora series GH. I put like 15 mil of each of 3...