Recent content by engage757

  1. E

    Fresh Shrooms vs Dried

    depends on the type of mushroom... animita muscaria is my personal fasvoite, but takes a precise cutting to eat fresh...
  2. E

    Gave birth to my little one! =)

    congratulations on welcoming another beautiful form to this world!
  3. E

    Good SCROG bible

    excellent... thanks!
  4. E

    fluorescent tube?

    ok, for flowering you did switch back to the HPS lamps though right? SHouldn't moving my plants to these fluoros slow down their pace dramatically? I will post pics soon for these two at least one is sativa and the other is an indica strain. perhaps by adding a few more fluoros, they would...
  5. E

    How Many Christians On This Site?

    Jesus is my Lord and Savior man!
  6. E

    Salvia is completely insane.

    Salvia Divinorum is simply disappointing to me... Whenever I start to enjoy it, it stops. Plus, it is hard to control yourself (at least for me) on that shit. While it is definetly interesting, I have done it over a hundred times at least (best friend is waay into it) and personally, I have...
  7. E

    Anyone buy 2C-I online?

    wow... no shit...
  8. E

    Music To Get Stoned To

    oh yeah, and incubus! good call lifelong
  9. E

    Music To Get Stoned To

    TOOL aperfectcircle Chevelle Damien Rice Isis Red Sparowes Pelican Ben Harper
  10. E

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    thank you for this thread man! learned a lot and have incorporatede quite a bit into my ladies! keep on, keepin on!
  11. E

    fluorescent tube?

    Ok guys, question and I would like some different opinions! I just decided to move two of my females into a separate grow area and run them under two 24" 120V 60Hz 17W 300 mA grow lights. these two plants are newer seedlings and only about 21 days in as well. I normally stick to my HPS...
  12. E

    Kid needing capital through weed....for weed =)

    for one, you can NEVER, (at least in my experience) cover up the smell completely. and it only takes one fuck-up... and didn't you say you had a bullshit television job? and now you are an engineer? straight out of high school? go to college, do some thing with your life and quit trying...
  13. E

    My First Grow Help Needed

    very nice mate... well done! very clever! any exhaust?
  14. E

    like my closet grow?

    nice man! as someone who came from having a ton of space and a large operation, down to an extremely small one(due to move) ... But got a few ideas! thanks! post more soon!