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  • thats not too bad. they should be showing soon though if they are gonna root. i just took 8 clones from 2 of my bigger clones. i see maybe 4-5 taking. some were kinda small.
    thanks for the info.
    my clones i got right now are ok its been 8 to 10 days and they dont got roots that bad??
    its probably halogen flood light. which is no good for growing. when i started i tried to use a flood light from work. the plants were extremely stretched and stressed. you need to check into CFL growing. its the way to go when you start out. have a look on your light. if it says halogen its no good. not trying to rain on your parade just trying to pass on info so you dont end up with shit plants like i did, and have to start over.
    one of the dudes told me that if its speacial kinda flood light then it will work. like i turned it on and it is rlly bright and it get out like it feels like luking into the sun honestly
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