Recent content by FatTrousers

  1. F

    Stop Making New Threads!

    The staff are too stoned to do their jobs properly :p, whats the point in all the stickied posts at the top of the forum if nobody bothers to use them and staff don't discipline or advise when rules are broken?
  2. F

    Homemade Vaporizer

    Very nice, i'll try this someday. Thanks! :-D
  3. F

    white widow still not smelling

    My widow doesn't smell either, apart from the raw plant smell. If i rub my fingers on the buds then smell my fingers it smells right, like good shit.
  4. F

    Stupid questioN~~~

    I topped my widow at 3 weeks, kept vegging for 1/2 more weeks then switched to flowering 12/12. I'm just getting more experience for the 5 Fem Lowryder #2 seeds i have lying in front of me. The widow is currently about 2ft tall give or take a few cm's, wanted it shorter but whatever, it turned...
  5. F

    Large white seed found in main stem?

    Exactly. Thank you :joint:
  6. F

    Large white seed found in main stem?

    Shrooms don't grow like that.
  7. F

    glow of red spectrum lights

    I'm the same, i thought my light was losing life until i added my veg light for comparison, turned out i'd gotten used to the red light and was nearly blinded by the brightness of my veg light. I also, for the first time, noticed how blue the veg light is, just seemed really white to me before...
  8. F

    musical plants

    I suppose my opinion is a bit worthless as i'm on my third grow attempt (first two were 2 years ago) which is also my only successful one so far, but through the 4 weeks of vegging i did i had my grow cabinet in my room. I live for music, so i had all sorts on, rap, rock, funk, reggae and i have...
  9. F

    Ebay and paypal fuked up

    I've had my account linked to my debit card for many years and never had a single problem, i can see the reason for the complaints, it's a piss take when you put your trust in a company to handle shit like this and they fuck you over. I am slightly thankful for it tho, without things like this...
  10. F

    Weed with shag

    Golden Virginia is the usual tobacco of choice for my friends & me here in the UK, or you could try just emptying a cigarette onto your paper. If i could afford it i'd smoke it pure, less harmful, but i also like the harsh feeling at the back of my throat. Bearing in mind rolling tobacco always...
  11. F

    Music to Smoke to @_@ (suggestions)

    The new metallica album is good if you've had a rough day and need some heavy ear abuse. Failing that, Toots and the Maytals, great reggae, nice bass, all you need.
  12. F

    First time growing, microgrow assistance?

    Looks almost exactly the same as my cabinet, if not a little bigger than mine. Running mine with 1 125w blue spec Envirolite, hopefully it'll survive long enough for me to whack in a red spec during flowering and have both lights running. Thats my baby at just over 2 weeks.