Recent content by foolish536

  1. foolish536

    NUTE BURN? 2-3 weeks flowering

    You have to flush with 3 times as much soil as you have. And on the 3rd amount, add 1/4 strangth nutes.
  2. foolish536

    NUTE BURN? 2-3 weeks flowering

    These are my younger plants. Different strain from all other plants. Basically the second try at it. They are in 2 part MG soil 1 part perlite 1/2 part vermiculite little bit of lime. I have not had to give them any nutes yet. They have been veging for just under a month. The very bottom leaves...
  3. foolish536

    NUTE BURN? 2-3 weeks flowering

    Pic 1: The longest flowering plant. Its lost most of its big leaves except the top ones. It seems like its going a little slow, been lookin the same for a while. Would it help to tear off things that seems to not be doing so well? Been flowering for about 40 days. Pic 2: Also been flowering...
  4. foolish536

    NUTE BURN? 2-3 weeks flowering

    I have a pretty good PH meter and I heard soil is pretty forgiving. But all my water is about 6.35-6.75. So I don't think its the Ph How do i give my plant CO2, and is it a big deal? Ill Start looking in to bat guano and see if i wanna go that route. PLEASE DOES ANYONE HAVE A GOOD RECIPE for...
  5. foolish536

    NUTE BURN? 2-3 weeks flowering

    After some reading I've heard that MG nutes is kinda like giving your plant crack. And crack is bad mmkay So I'm going to try and find some better stuff over the weekend. ANY COMMENTS WOULD HELP! The pictures arn't trying to show anything I just wanted to put them up.
  6. foolish536

    NUTE BURN? 2-3 weeks flowering

    Here are pictures of what been happening. It seems like the same problem for all of the plans.
  7. foolish536

    NUTE BURN? 2-3 weeks flowering

    Since no one responded I just went ahead and flushed the plants. They seems to look fine for a couple of days but then they went right back to having the same problems as before. So now I have no idea why my fan leaves keep curling up and dying.
  8. foolish536

    NUTE BURN? 2-3 weeks flowering

    Sorry, had to get pictures from different computer. I really would like to know if flushing is the only way to save them or is there something else I could do?
  9. foolish536

    NUTE BURN? 2-3 weeks flowering

    I flushed this plant it started looking a lot better. Now it's dying the same way all my plants suffered before. The tips of all the leaves go brown and then the whole plant quickly wrinkles up. I put a tiny amount of 15-30-15 MG flowering nutes and now im thinking ive been killing my plants...
  10. foolish536

    Pot size

    beautiful reply, thank you
  11. foolish536


    My three most promising plants are deffinatly males. They are the biggest of the 5 I started sexing and I've been reading about making hash or cannabutter with the males. Or is that only if I had like 10+ males? Plus, should I let them mature a little more before trying such a thing? Or do they...
  12. foolish536

    Pot size

    What is the best size pot to use. I've got them in 7quart pots right now. They seem fine, I was just wondering what everyone else was using. I know not my strains.
  13. foolish536

    Long days

    almost 2 months of waiting
  14. foolish536

    Long days

    1 day feels like 3. If you ever feel like life is flying by you...just grow some pot. You'll wish time was still flying. How can I become more patient?
  15. foolish536

    leaf prob

    pics my friend...need info and pics