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  • Haha nah, I do it because of height restriction. I LST the plant around the pot so the main stem probably ends up a total of about 2' long but not much vertical growth. I've been using a 150w HPS so penetration has been a limitation for me. The new light I ordered should fix that problem in future grows though.
    No CO2, I don't think it's the temps though bc they seem happy in veg with those temps. Flowering in 10" pots, think they're 2 gallon? I LST to keep them to around 8-10" tall when they finish. I don't think it's normal fan leaf death, starts at around 3 weeks and by week 6 around 80% of them look dead. Thanks for the help man I might get some Cal/Mag and try that.
    Haha rep doesn't mean anything to me. I've been noticing that as my plants get later into flower they start losing a lot of fan leaves. This only seems to happen when I grow larger ones, did autos and didn't have the problem. I'm not really sure what's causing it and was hoping you could help. The pH is correct, nutes are right, tried flushing and didn't seem to help, temps aren't too bad 88-92F, but a lot of fan leaves die off. The progression seems to be that they claw in as if from too much N, but then yellow and brown like you'd see from an N deficiency. I'm giving them all needed macro and micro nutes, just want to try and avoid it on my newest batch of flowering girls and when I start my next grow. The only thing I can think of is if I'm using too small of a pot to flower them in? I don't veg them that big before flower though so I don't think that'd be a problem. What are your thoughts man? And thank you.
    check the video out i just put up and then tell me if you think i will get a pound i hope i get a pound and a half
    yo foot wassup so i brought my plants inside and in put the in a corner of my room that i had made space for them so its 5x5 and height is not a problem so what am wondering if i put them to flower at three feet under a 1000 watt what will the end result be
    yeah i was thinking of doing that but as of right now my plants are in shock one look like the leafs are dry but i waterd them so hopefully they pull threw there was some root damage and yeah am thinking of brining them in my room
    you got 10 gallon pots in a 3x4 space? that seems crazy to me.....theres no way your plants are going to get bigg enough to need that much pot in a space that small.....what i mean is to need a pot that big you would need a plant that 6 feet tall or bigger and if you had plants 6 feet tall theres no way there going to fit in a 3x4 space......your trying to grow hudge trees in a space ment for small cant have both...eather grow big trees in a big area or grow smaller trees in a smaller area......for the size room you have and the size pot your using i would only grow like 2 or 3 plants .....I never heard or seen anyone using 10gallon pots to grow in a 3x4 space.......remeber having a hudge pot is only good if the plant needs it but a plant would have to be fuckin hudge to need a 10gallon pot.......seems to me your wasting valuble space by using a pot to big for your plants size and space..
    oh yeah i was all so thinking of drop ing my four watt in the middle of the plants
    i have ten gallon grow bags and i have a 1000 watt light my space is 3x4x6 i was going to try Lollipopping them so only the top half gets the best lighting
    hey whats up man you know much using the grow tents and ufo led lights? i wanna get some of them and use roots organic soil for some clones : )
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