Recent content by Freddie Millergogo

  1. Freddie Millergogo

    Black professor - Dr. Cornel West: President Obama Is A ‘War Criminal’

    If he was in Fallujah - he would know the shitty drug the US troops were given. The Iraqis had nothing to do with 9/11. Trump opposed that phony war but the Clintons, Obaa and Bushes were all for it. Also all for that war for opium in Afghanistan. Wonder why heroin addictions are exploding...
  2. Freddie Millergogo

    Black professor - Dr. Cornel West: President Obama Is A ‘War Criminal’

    LOL! White supremacist? Really, the poor innocent people murdered over the past 28 years by the NeoCons were largely brown and black people. Sounds like you support that. You must be the supremacist. Bushes, Clintons and Obama were not protecting my freedoms or protecting America. They...
  3. Freddie Millergogo

    Black professor - Dr. Cornel West: President Obama Is A ‘War Criminal’

    All wars are bankers wars and the elites. Afghanistan is about opium. Bin Laden died in 2001. All the shit about Iraq, Afghanistan et al is a scam. You or we were lied too. LOL! Obama - Bin Laden buried at sea in strict muslim tradition. What a scam. Seal Teams used and then killed off to...
  4. Freddie Millergogo

    Black professor - Dr. Cornel West: President Obama Is A ‘War Criminal’

    Vietnam was all about opium, making LBJ richer along with defense contractors, elites and the CIA. The Rockefeller CIA wanted to muscle the French out of the highly profitable opium business by creating the Viet Minh which then turned into the Viet Cong. Sort of like Al Qeada being repackaged...
  5. Freddie Millergogo

    Black professor - Dr. Cornel West: President Obama Is A ‘War Criminal’ A real black man exposes a war criminal.
  6. Freddie Millergogo

    America dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016. What a bloody end to Obama's reign When will the NeoCon warmongers - Bush 1 and 2, Bill and Hillary Clinton and Obama be arrested for war crimes for phony wars of mass murder? How many millions did they kill?
  7. Freddie Millergogo

    The TRUMP! Effect on personal relationships.

    Sadly for you - Obama was just another war mongering NeoCon like the Bushes and Clintons, Owned by the bankers, elites and CIA. America dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016. What a bloody end to...
  8. Freddie Millergogo

    The TRUMP! Effect on personal relationships.

    LOL! You sad bro? This will cheer you up. Young Turks melting down on election night. Engaging in insults and stupidity as they start to cry then attack the DNC and Hilary. Classic. . Enjoy.
  9. Freddie Millergogo

    Homeland Security arrests 10 MS-13 gang mebers in Callie - Trump Winning!

    These CS'ers sell weed with rat poison and heroin. Winning! Make America MS-13 free again! SANTA CRUZ >> The U.S. Department of Homeland Security led a pre-dawn...
  10. Freddie Millergogo

    Ban white people

    Hey dude - server backups or mirrored servers are your friend.
  11. Freddie Millergogo

    Ban white people

    You mad bro? LOL! Hilarious watching the childish rage. People spewing hate against whites as they refer to whites as being hateful. Comedy/idiocy gold.
  12. Freddie Millergogo

    Ban white people

    You do know black people and muslims (Arabs) very actively engaged in slavery and in some cases still do. Keep preaching hate brother.
  13. Freddie Millergogo

    Ban white people

    LOL! Ban fake ass black people like BLM founder Shaun King aka Talcum X who is white and pretends he is black. He is a creepy ass cracker. Only a**holes try to drum up racial hatred.
  14. Freddie Millergogo

    "If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

    What data? LOL! Phony fraudster Dr. Michael Mann and his hockey stick fraud? Look up in the sky. It's called the sun. The output is variable which causes the global temps to vary. AGW is a money grab. The climate change gang never talks about the sun which is the biggest f**king show in...
  15. Freddie Millergogo

    rollitup 2016 Ski and Board club!

    Loveland - Bitches!